Office Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Phone +98 311 3913507 Fax +98 311 3913501 Positions Assistant Professor Department of Animal Science Research Interests Economic Aspects of Animal Breeding and Science Genetic Selection Index Animal Breeding Strategies More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Risk factors and population attributable fractions for displaced abomasum in Iranian dairy cattle: a retrospective analysis of field data 10.1007/s11250-024-04164-y Journal Comparison of two different anionic supplements and a low calcium diet fed to transition cows prepartum on DM intake, mineral homoeostasis and performance 10.1016/j.animal.2023.100961 Journal Farm management and economic factors associated with bulk tank total bacterial count in Holstein dairy herds in Iran 10.1017/S0022029923000547 Journal Identification of cow-level risk factors and associations of selected blood macrominerals at parturition with dystocia and stillbirth in Iranian Holsteins # Journal Effect of tomato pomace and different ratios of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid in starter diet on growth performance and blood metabolites in Holstein calves # Journal Feeding corn germ instead of corn grain on the performance of Holstein dairy cows fed low-forage diet and human-edible feed conversion efficiency # Journal Genetic analysis of retained placenta and its association with reproductive disorder, production, and fertility traits of Iranian Holstein dairy cows # Journal Assessing the consequences and economic impact of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cattle # Journal Association of follicular fluid parameters at the time of ovum pick-up with in vitro blastocyst formation in Holstein heifers: a multi-level analysis 10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104647 Journal Genetic Predisposition to Abortions Is Increasing in Iranian Holstein Cows # Journal