Risk factors and population attributable fractions for displaced abomasum in Iranian dairy cattle: a retrospective analysis of field data |
10.1007/s11250-024-04164-y |
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Farm management and economic factors associated with bulk tank total bacterial count in Holstein dairy herds in Iran |
10.1017/S0022029923000547 |
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Comparison of two different anionic supplements and a low calcium diet fed to transition cows prepartum on DM intake, mineral homoeostasis and performance |
10.1016/j.animal.2023.100961 |
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Identification of cow-level risk factors and associations of selected blood macrominerals at parturition with dystocia and stillbirth in Iranian Holsteins |
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Effect of tomato pomace and different ratios of linoleic acid to alpha-linolenic acid in starter diet on growth performance and blood metabolites in Holstein calves |
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Feeding corn germ instead of corn grain on the performance of Holstein dairy cows fed low-forage diet and human-edible feed conversion efficiency |
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Genetic analysis of retained placenta and its association with reproductive disorder, production, and fertility traits of Iranian Holstein dairy cows |
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برآورد زيان¬هاي مالي ناشي از وقوع سقط جنين در گله¬هاي گاو شيري با استفاده از بودجه بندي جزيي |
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Assessing the consequences and economic impact of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cattle |
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Association of follicular fluid parameters at the time of ovum pick-up with in vitro blastocyst formation in Holstein heifers: a multi-level analysis |
10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104647 |
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مقايسه بين المللي اقتصاد توليد شير در گله هاي هلشتاين اصفهان |
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شناسايي نشانه هاي انتخاب مرتبط با مقاومت به بيماري لكوز (BLV) در گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران |
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اثر القاي سطوح مختلف اسيدوز متابوليكي خفيف در جيره ي آنيوني بر هومئوستاز مواد معدني و عملكرد گاوهاي شيري دوره انتقال |
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Genetic Predisposition to Abortions Is Increasing in Iranian Holstein Cows |
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Beet pulp substituted for corn silage and barley grain in diets fed to dairy cows in the summer months: feed intake, total-tract digestibility, and milk production |
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Farm and cow factors and their interactions on the incidence of retained placenta in Holstein dairy cows |
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Effects of different forage to concentrate ratios on performance, plasma metabolites, and feeding behaviour of weaned dairy calves from 70 to 120 days of age |
10.1080/1828051X.2021.1962749 |
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ارزيابي روش هاي مديريتي موثر بر نرخ آبستني در تعدادي از گله هاي گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران |
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Low potassium diets with different levels of calcium in comparison with different anionic diets fed to prepartum dairy cows: Effects on sorting behaviour, total tract digestibility, energy metabolism, oxidative status and hormonal response |
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Optimization of growth performance responses of Japanese quail with different concentrations of metabolizable energy, lysine, and sulfur amino acids using Taguchi method |
10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104234 |
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