Rohallah Hashemi
Isfahan , Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Departement
+98 313 391xxxx
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Petroleum Department
Research Interests
Thermal Recovery
Reservoir Engineering
More Articles
Journal Papers
Title DOI type
Individual and Symbiotic Interfacial Contribution of Ions to Hydrophilic Enhancement of Oil-Bearing Dolomite: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding # Journal
Improvement of gas hydrate-based CO2 capture from CH4/CO2 mixture using silica and modified silica nanoparticles in the presence of potassium hydroxide # Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of the Combined Monoethylene Glycol with NaCl/CaCl<sub>2</sub> Salts on Sour Gas Hydrate Inhibition with Low-Concentration Hydrogen Sulfide 10.1021/acs.jced.1c00888 Journal
A contribution to flotation technique as a reliable wettability alteration measurement method for carbonate minerals in separation processes involving hydrocarbons, low salinity water and nanofluids # Journal
Experimental study of microbial enhanced oil recovery in oil-wet fractured porous media # Journal
Impact of water saturation and cation concentrations on wettability alteration and oil recovery of carbonate rocks using low-salinity water # Journal
A Comment on Insight into the Behavior of Colloidal Gas Aphron (CGA) Fluids at Elevated Pressures An Experimental Study 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2018.05.030 Journal
Enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs by spontaneous imbibition of low salinity water # Journal
Nanoparticle technology for heavy oil in-situ upgrading and recovery enhancement Opportunities and challenges 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.069 Journal
In Situ Upgrading of Athabasca Bitumen Using Multimetallic Ultradispersed Nanocatalysts in an Oil Sands Packed-Bed Column Part 2. Solid Analysis and Gaseous Product Distribution 10.1021/ef401719n Journal