
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
كاربرد فناوري پالس پالسما در بهبود توليدچاه هاي نفت و گاز # Journal
Individual and Symbiotic Interfacial Contribution of Ions to Hydrophilic Enhancement of Oil-Bearing Dolomite: Implication to Ion-Engineered Waterflooding # Journal
Improvement of gas hydrate-based CO2 capture from CH4/CO2 mixture using silica and modified silica nanoparticles in the presence of potassium hydroxide # Journal
بررسي آزمايشگاهي افزايش پايداري فوم با استفاده از نانوذره ، سورفكتانت و بيوپليمر زانتان جهت افزايش برداشت نفت # Journal
Experimental Study of the Effect of the Combined Monoethylene Glycol with NaCl/CaCl<sub>2</sub> Salts on Sour Gas Hydrate Inhibition with Low-Concentration Hydrogen Sulfide 10.1021/acs.jced.1c00888 Journal
A contribution to flotation technique as a reliable wettability alteration measurement method for carbonate minerals in separation processes involving hydrocarbons, low salinity water and nanofluids # Journal
Experimental study of microbial enhanced oil recovery in oil-wet fractured porous media # Journal
Impact of water saturation and cation concentrations on wettability alteration and oil recovery of carbonate rocks using low-salinity water # Journal
Enhanced oil recovery from carbonate reservoirs by spontaneous imbibition of low salinity water # Journal
A Comment on Insight into the Behavior of Colloidal Gas Aphron (CGA) Fluids at Elevated Pressures An Experimental Study 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2018.05.030 Journal
Nanoparticle technology for heavy oil in-situ upgrading and recovery enhancement Opportunities and challenges 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.07.069 Journal
In Situ Upgrading of Athabasca Bitumen Using Multimetallic Ultradispersed Nanocatalysts in an Oil Sands Packed-Bed Column Part 1. Produced Liquid Quality Enhancement 10.1021/ef401716h Journal
In Situ Upgrading of Athabasca Bitumen Using Multimetallic Ultradispersed Nanocatalysts in an Oil Sands Packed-Bed Column Part 2. Solid Analysis and Gaseous Product Distribution 10.1021/ef401719n Journal
Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery by in Situ Prepared Ultradispersed Multimetallic Nanoparticles A Study of Hot Fluid Flooding for Athabasca Bitumen Recovery 10.1021/ef3020537 Journal
Transport Behavior of Multimetallic Ultradispersed Nanoparticles in an Oil-Sands-Packed Bed Column at a High Temperature and Pressure 10.1021/ef201939f Journal
مروري بر كاربرد پليمرهاي طبيعي در صنعت بالادست نفت خام با تمركز بر عمليات اسيدكاري چاه هاي نفت و گاز Conference
مروري بر عمليات اسيدكاري چاه هاي نفت و گاز و روش هاي بهينه سازي تشكيل كرم چاله Conference
مطالعه آزمايشگاهي ازدياد برداشت ميكروبي با محوريت مسدود سازي انتخابي در يك ميكرومدل شيشه اي Conference
بررسي ميكرومدلي تزريق پليمر به نفت سنگين در فرآيندهاي ازدياد برداشت نفت Conference
بررسي آزمايشگاهي افزايش پايداري فوم كربن دي اكسيد توسط پليمر و نانوذره Conference