aa-ramin@iut.ac.ir Office College of Agriculture Department of Horticulture Phone 03133913413 Fax 03133913010 Positions Professor in Horticulture Research Interests Physiology of Horticultural Crops Post-harvest physiolog of Horticultural Crops More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Effect of water deficit on shoot, root and some physiological characteristics in some greenhouse grown potato cultivars # Journal Exogenous application of salicylic acid and glycine betaine as tools to enhance biomass and tolerance of potato cultivars # Journal Effect of soil drought on biomass production, physiological attributes and antioxidant enzymes activities of potato cultivars # Journal Effect of gibberellic acid stratification and salinity on seed germination of Echinacea purpurea cv. Magnus # Journal effect of sodium cholorid stress on gas exchange cholorophyll content and nutrient concentration of nine citrus rootstocks # Journal Effect of 1-methylcyclopropane in combination with Calcium chloride on postharvest storage and quality of green olives # Journal Citrus Rootstocks Response to Salinity Physio-biochemical Parameters Changes # Journal The Effect of Chemical Thinning on Seasonal Changes of Mineral Nutrient Concentrations in Leaves and Fruits of Soltani Apple Trees # Journal Effect of boron and calcium on growth and quality of EASY LOVER cut rose # Journal Improving Germination Performance and Chilling Tolerance in Cucumber Seedlings with Paclobutrazol # Journal