Introduction: To introduce further advanced topics of engineering hydrology to complement the undergraduate course. To analyze the conceptual and digital models for the simulation of the hydrologic processes in watersheds and for runoff prediction. More emphasis is given to application of the methods introduced in analyzing the hydrological processes.
Course Outline: Review of Hydrology , Deterministic Lumped Unsteady Flow Models, General system model, Response functions of linear systems, Unit hydrograph, Runoff hydrograph computation, Hydrologic Routing (Chap. 8), Lumped system,
Reservoir routing methods, River routing, Hydrologic Design (Chap. 14 & 15): Design Storms, Design Flows, HEC-HMS (software), Application of Data-Driven Models in Hydrologic Processes (Handouts), Rainfall-Runoff process, Rainfall forecasting/disaggregating, Groundwater, Application of GIS in Hydrology .