Breeding Field Crops

Undergraduate course (BSc)

4 unit (3 + 1 units)

  1. Breeding self-fertilized crops

History, flower structure, hybridization methods, breeding methods and objectives in the following crops: wheat (a leading crop for complete details), barley, rice, tobacco, flax, grain legumes (pulses), oats, soybean and safflower.


  1. Breeding self-fertilized crops

History, flower structure, hybridization methods, breeding methods and objectives in the following crops: maize (a leading crop for complete details) rye, cotton, sugar beet, alfalfa, sugarcane and sunflower


  1. Gene effect and action, heritability and overview of genetic designs



  1. Preparation and submission of a breeding project on a crop by each student
  2. Visits of local and national Plant Breeding Institutes
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