Google Scholar Office Isfahan University Of Technology, Industrial Engineering Department Phone +98 311 3915511 Fax +98 311 3915526 Positions associate professor of Industrial Engineering Department dean of Industrial and systems Engineering department, isfahan university of technology Research Interests Supply Chain management vehicle routing problem multiobjective optimization uncertain optimization metaheuristics algorithms More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Energy pricing and investigating international trade law considering renewable energy investments under the cap-and-trade system: A game theoretic approach # Journal Optimizing greenness and pricing in green product development: addressing cannibalization and enhancing market share in a duopoly markets 10.1007/s10668-024-05411-w Journal Multi-depot vehicle routing problem with roaming delivery locations considering hard time windows: Solved by a hybrid ELS-LNS algorithm # Journal An accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm for the integrated storage space assignment, berth allocation, and yard crane deployment problem # Journal Robust Integrated Model for Traffic Routing Optimization and Train Formation Plan with Yard Capacity Constraints and Demand Uncertainty # Journal Generalized vehicle routing problem: Contemporary trends and research directions # Journal A game theoretic approach for time-of-use pricing with considering renewable portfolio standard effects and investment in energy storage technologies under government interventions # Journal Pricing in competitive energy supply chains considering government interventions to support CCS under cap-and-trade regulations: A game-theoretic approach # Journal A robust solution for optimizing facility location and network design with diverse link capacities # Journal Multi-mode hybrid electric vehicle routing problem # Journal