z.talebi@iut.ac.ir Office Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran Phone +98 313 3911097 Fax +98 313 3912441 Positions Associate Professor of Textile Engineering Department Research Interests Aerogels and Xerogels Mechanically Strong Organic-inorganic Hybrid Aerogels Aerogel Blankets Sol-gel Materials Advanced Fibrous Thermal Insulators Nanostructured Materials Porous Nanostructured Adsorbents Pollutants Removal Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture Nanostructured Photocatalysts Textile Coating Dental Composites Fiber Reinforced Nanocomposites More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Facile encapsulation of cyanoacrylate-based bioadhesive by electrospray method and investigation of the process parameters # Journal Optimizing the micro/mesoporous structure of hierarchical graphene aerogel for CO2 capture by controlling the oxygen functional groups of graphene oxide 10.1016/j.jtice.2024.105352 Journal Robust water-stable poly (ethersulfone)/poly (ethyleneimine) nanofibrous membranes for nitrate adsorption 10.1002/app.54627 Journal Synthesis of engineered silica aerogel containing SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ to improve luminescence efficiency, thermal and water stability and optical properties 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121521 Journal Mesoporous Silica Aerogel Reinforced Dental Composite: Effects of Microstructure and Surface Modification # Journal Improved performance of Bis-GMA dental composites reinforced with surface-modified PAN nanofibers 10.1007/s10856-021-06557-z Journal Interpenetrating Organic-Inorganic Network: a Short Review on Aerogel as a Nanoporous Filler in Epoxy Nanocomposite # Journal Experimental and computational analysis of acoustic characteristics of warp-knitted spacer fabrics 10.1080/00405000.2019.1648140 Journal Novel multi-layer silica aerogel/ PVA composite for controlled drug delivery 10.1088/2053-1591/ab3097 Journal Silica aerogel/polyester blankets for efficient sound absorption in buildings 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.06.031 Journal