
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Facile encapsulation of cyanoacrylate-based bioadhesive by electrospray method and investigation of the process parameters # Journal
Optimizing the micro/mesoporous structure of hierarchical graphene aerogel for CO2 capture by controlling the oxygen functional groups of graphene oxide 10.1016/j.jtice.2024.105352 Journal
تاثير اندازه ذرات گرافيت بر ساختار حفرات و جذب گاز CO2نانوساختار ايروژل گرافني # Journal
Robust water-stable poly (ethersulfone)/poly (ethyleneimine) nanofibrous membranes for nitrate adsorption 10.1002/app.54627 Journal
Synthesis of engineered silica aerogel containing SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ to improve luminescence efficiency, thermal and water stability and optical properties 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2022.121521 Journal
Mesoporous Silica Aerogel Reinforced Dental Composite: Effects of Microstructure and Surface Modification # Journal
Improved performance of Bis-GMA dental composites reinforced with surface-modified PAN nanofibers 10.1007/s10856-021-06557-z Journal
Interpenetrating Organic-Inorganic Network: a Short Review on Aerogel as a Nanoporous Filler in Epoxy Nanocomposite # Journal
تعيين شرايط مناسب براي تهيه كامپوزيت دنداني بر پايه رزين بيسفنول A-گليسيديل متاكريلات تقويت شده با نانوساختار ايروژل سيليسي # Journal
Experimental and computational analysis of acoustic characteristics of warp-knitted spacer fabrics 10.1080/00405000.2019.1648140 Journal
جذب داروي فلوكونازول در ايروژل سيليس بهر وش غوطه وري و بررسي سرعت و مكانيزم رهايش دارو 10.29252/jame.38.2.25 Journal
جذب داروي فلوكونازول در ايروژل سيليس به روش غوطه وري و بررسي سرعت و مكانيزم رهايش دارو # Journal
Novel multi-layer silica aerogel/ PVA composite for controlled drug delivery 10.1088/2053-1591/ab3097 Journal
Silica aerogel/polyester blankets for efficient sound absorption in buildings 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.06.031 Journal
Comparing the drug loading and release of silica aerogel and PVA nano fibers 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.09.045 Journal
Fabrication and evaluation of silica aerogel-epoxy nanocomposites Fracture and toughening mechanisms 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.08.007 Journal
Surface Modification of Basalt Fibers by Nanostructured Silica Aerogel # Journal
Silica Aerogel-Epoxy Nanocomposites Understanding Epoxy Reinforcement in Terms of Aerogel Surface Chemistry and Epoxy-Silica Interface Compatibility 10.1021/acsanm.8b00941 Journal
Effect of processing parameters and pore structure of nanostructured silica aerogel on the physical properties of aerogel blankets # Journal
اثر كاتاليزور و مقدار آب مرحله هيدروليز بر خواص فيزيكي ايروژل سيليكا خشك شده در شرايط فشار محيط # Journal