Dr.Abbas Najafizadeh

Materials Science and Technology
+98 313 3913154
+98 313 3912728
Professor of Materials Science and Technology
Interested In
Thermomechanical Processing
Failure Analysis
Hot and Cold Deformation of Metals
Controlled Rolling and Forging
Accelerate Cooling
Austempered Ductile Iron
Development of New Alloys
Title DOI Year Month type
The effect of Nb on texture evolutions of the ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels fabricated by cold rolling and intercritical annealing - 1395 11 Journal
Correlation of microstructure and strain hardening behavior in the ultrafine-grained Nb-bearing dual phase steels - 1395 09 Journal
Kinetics of Ferrite Recrystallization and Austenite Formation During Intercritical Annealing of the Cold-Rolled Ferrite/Martensite Duplex Structures - 1394 12 Journal
Development of a high strength and ductile Nb-bearing dual phase steel by cold-rolling and intercritical annealing of the ferrite-martensite microstructures - 1394 12 Journal
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in a 201 austenitic steel The synergy of stacking fault energy and chemical driving force - 1394 10 Journal
A microstructural investigation on deformation mechanisms of Fe 18Cr 12Mn 0.05C metastable austenitic steels containing different amounts of nitrogen - 1394 07 Journal
Influence of Nb-Microalloying on the Formation of Nano/Ultrafine-Grained Microstructure and Mechanical Properties During Martensite Reversion Process in a 201-Type Austenitic Stainless Steel - 1394 05 Journal
Effect of Nb on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of an Ultrafine-Grained Dual Phase Steel - 1394 05 Journal
Microstructures Mechanical Properties and Strain Hardening Behavior of an Ultrahigh Strength Dual Phase Steel Developed by Intercritical Annealing of Cold-Rolled Ferrite/Martensite - 1394 04 Journal
Nanoindentation study of ferrite martensite dual phase steels developed by a new thermomechanical processing - 1394 04 Journal