
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The effect of Nb on texture evolutions of the ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels fabricated by cold rolling and intercritical annealing # Journal
Correlation of microstructure and strain hardening behavior in the ultrafine-grained Nb-bearing dual phase steels # Journal
Development of a high strength and ductile Nb-bearing dual phase steel by cold-rolling and intercritical annealing of the ferrite-martensite microstructures # Journal
Kinetics of Ferrite Recrystallization and Austenite Formation During Intercritical Annealing of the Cold-Rolled Ferrite/Martensite Duplex Structures # Journal
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in a 201 austenitic steel The synergy of stacking fault energy and chemical driving force # Journal
A microstructural investigation on deformation mechanisms of Fe 18Cr 12Mn 0.05C metastable austenitic steels containing different amounts of nitrogen # Journal
Effect of Nb on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of an Ultrafine-Grained Dual Phase Steel # Journal
Influence of Nb-Microalloying on the Formation of Nano/Ultrafine-Grained Microstructure and Mechanical Properties During Martensite Reversion Process in a 201-Type Austenitic Stainless Steel # Journal
Microstructures Mechanical Properties and Strain Hardening Behavior of an Ultrahigh Strength Dual Phase Steel Developed by Intercritical Annealing of Cold-Rolled Ferrite/Martensite # Journal
Nanoindentation study of ferrite martensite dual phase steels developed by a new thermomechanical processing # Journal
An investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of a Nb-microalloyed nano/ultrafine grained 201 austenitic stainless steel # Journal
Correlation of Mechanical Properties with Fracture Surface Features in a Newly Developed Dual-Phase Steel # Journal
Effect of initial microstructure on the work hardening behavior of plain eutectoid steel # Journal
Warm deformation processing maps for the plain eutectoid steels # Journal
Development of a New Ultrafine/Nano Ferrite-Carbide Microstructure by Thermomechanical Processing # Journal
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Nano/Ultrafine-Grained N-Bearing Low-Ni Austenitic Stainless Steels # Journal
Investigating the effects of short time austenitizing and cooling rate on pearlitic microstructure and mechanical properties of a hot rolled plain eutectoid carbon steel # Journal
Strengthening Mechanisms of Ultrafine Grained Dual Phase Steels Developed by New Thermomechanical Processing # Journal
A novel route for development of ultrahigh strength dual phase steels # Journal
Effect of Nitrogen Content on Grain Refinement and Mechanical Properties of a Reversion-Treated Ni-Free 18Cr-12Mn Austenitic Stainless Steel # Journal