Office Room , Industrial Engineering Department Phone +98 311 3915512 Fax +98 311 3915526 Positions Assistant Professor of Industrial Department Research Interests Industrial Maintenance Management Operational Research Statistical Quality Control More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Time-dependent vehicle routing problem with backhaul with FIFO assumption: Variable neighborhood search and mat-heuristic variable neighborhood search algorithms 10.5267/j.ijiec.2020.10.003 Journal A Multi-attribute Approach to Simultaneous Determination of Preventive Replacement Times and Order Quantity of Spare Parts # Journal Customer's order acceptance and scheduling to maximise total profit # Journal Introducing the Time Value of Money in a Non-consignment Vendor Managed Inventory Model # Journal A fuzzy multi-objective programming model for supplier selection with volume discount and risk criteria # Journal Analysis of the Efficiency R and D Projects Base on BSC-DEA Approach with Restrictions on Weight of Inputs and Outputs # Journal Building a maintenance policy through a multi-criterion decision-making model # Journal Application of fuzzy TOPSIS method for the selection of Warehouse Location A Case Study # Journal A Normative Dynamic Model of Regional Economy # Journal Modeling of Capacity Reservation and Supplier Selection Based on Option Contract # Journal