
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
يك مدل آماري هوشمند براي تشخيص نقاط خرابي در نگهداري و تعميرات پيشگويانه 10.24200/J65.2022.57224.2189 Journal
ارائه يك روش جهت بهينه سازي نگهداري و تعميرات پيشگيرانه 10.22108/jpom.2021.127885.1354 Journal
Time-dependent vehicle routing problem with backhaul with FIFO assumption: Variable neighborhood search and mat-heuristic variable neighborhood search algorithms 10.5267/j.ijiec.2020.10.003 Journal
A Multi-attribute Approach to Simultaneous Determination of Preventive Replacement Times and Order Quantity of Spare Parts # Journal
Customer's order acceptance and scheduling to maximise total profit # Journal
Introducing the Time Value of Money in a Non-consignment Vendor Managed Inventory Model # Journal
بررسي ارزش زماني پول در زنجيره ي تامين تحت برنامه ي مديريت موجودي توسط فروشنده # Journal
A fuzzy multi-objective programming model for supplier selection with volume discount and risk criteria # Journal
Analysis of the Efficiency R and D Projects Base on BSC-DEA Approach with Restrictions on Weight of Inputs and Outputs # Journal
Building a maintenance policy through a multi-criterion decision-making model # Journal
Application of fuzzy TOPSIS method for the selection of Warehouse Location A Case Study # Journal
A Normative Dynamic Model of Regional Economy # Journal
Modeling of Capacity Reservation and Supplier Selection Based on Option Contract # Journal
Investigating the application of opposition concept to colonial competitive algorithm # Journal
Modified Lagrangian Function and Armijo Rule for Normal Solution of The LP Problems # Journal
تحليل زنجيره ي ت مين VMI غيرامانتي دو سطحي شامل يك توليدكننده و چند خرده فروش با درنظر گرفتن ارزش زماني پول # - Journal
زمانبندي و مديريت پروژه با استفاده از روشها و الگوريتمهاي داده كاوي Conference
انتخاب سياست بهينه نگهداري و تعميرات به كمك روش هاي تصميم گيري چند معياره Conference
A Technique for Ranking Alternatives Based on their Correlation to the Ideal Alternative Conference
مساله طراحي شبكه هاب با اهداف بيشينه سازي سود و كمينه سازي مجموع مدت زمان خدمت رساني و تراكم در تسهيلات هاب Conference