Google Scholar Office Room 324, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT) Phone +98 31 33913841 Fax +98 31 33912700 Positions Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department Research Interests Coastal Engineering Marine Hydraulics Hydraulics Hydraulic Structures More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Efficiency Equations for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions - Journal A semi-analytical study of fiber reinforced concrete abrasion-erosion through water-borne sand-jet flow in hydraulic structures - Journal The M3 pressure-differential wave energy converter in Persian shores; numerical modeling and design - Journal Assessment of equilibrium pressure-flow scour depth by using jet flow theory - Journal Mechanism of Wave-Induced Flow in Reshaping Breakwaters - Journal Numerical simulation of waves overtopping over impermeable sloped seadikes - Journal An experimental study of partly/hardly reshaping mass-armored double-berm breakwaters - Journal Two-dimensional solution of steady free jet and wall jet by strip integration method and its comparison with empirical relationships and numerical modeling - Journal On Berm Design of Icelandic-Type Breakwaters (Case study: Sirevag berm breakwater) - Journal Experimental Study on Trapezoidal pontoon-type Floating Breakwaters with Attached Porous Plates - Journal