
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type Conference Title
Numerical Solution of Hydrodynamic Efficiency Equations for an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter Using the Method of Fundamental Solutions NULL 1402 - 10 Journal
مطالعه آزمايشگاهي مكانيزم خرابي در موج شكن هاي توده سنگي چندلايه 1402 - 08 Conference بيست و دومين كنفرانس ملي هيدروليك ايران
A semi-analytical study of fiber reinforced concrete abrasion-erosion through water-borne sand-jet flow in hydraulic structures NULL 1402 - 04 Journal
The M3 pressure-differential wave energy converter in Persian shores; numerical modeling and design NULL 1402 - 03 Journal
Assessment of equilibrium pressure-flow scour depth by using jet flow theory NULL 1401 - 11 Journal
Mechanism of Wave-Induced Flow in Reshaping Breakwaters NULL 1401 - 10 Journal
Numerical simulation of waves overtopping over impermeable sloped seadikes NULL 1401 - 09 Journal
مطالعه عددي و آزمايشگاهي اندركنش موج با محيط متخلخل موج شكن سكويي چندلايه NULL 1401 - 07 Journal
An experimental study of partly/hardly reshaping mass-armored double-berm breakwaters NULL 1400 - 10 Journal
Two-dimensional solution of steady free jet and wall jet by strip integration method and its comparison with empirical relationships and numerical modeling NULL 1400 - 08 Journal
بررسي پايداري موج شكن سنتي براساس داده هاي آزمايشگاهي و ارائه رابطه كاربردي 1400 - 08 Conference بيستمين كنفرانس ملي هيدروليك ايران
On Berm Design of Icelandic-Type Breakwaters (Case study: Sirevag berm breakwater) NULL 1400 - 06 Journal
Experimental Study on Trapezoidal pontoon-type Floating Breakwaters with Attached Porous Plates NULL 1399 - 11 Journal
Effect of Hydraulic Parameters on Abrasion Erosion of Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Hydraulic Structures NULL 1399 - 08 Journal
Numerical Simulation of Spatial Distribution of Wave Overtopping on Non-reshaping Berm Breakwaters NULL 1399 - 06 Journal
Wave Reflection of irregular waves from Multi-Layer Berm Breakwaters NULL 1399 - 01 Journal
تخمين ابعاد چاله آبشستگي در اثر جت ديواره اي مستغرق 1398 - 11 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس ملي هيدروليك ايران
An Experimental Study on the Hydraulic Stability of Icelandic-Type Berm Breakwaters NULL 1398 - 10 Journal
ارزيابي ويژگي هاي هيدروليكي جريان درسرريزهاي هيدروفويل نامتقارن NULL 1398 - 10 Journal
Discharge coefficient of hydrofoil weirs based on potential flow theory around a symmetric Joukowsky hydrofoil NULL 1398 - 09 Journal