Office your complete address Phone +98 313 391xxxx Fax +98 313 391xxxx Positions Associate Professor of Your Department Research Interests Fields number one Fields number two Fields number three More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Tracking Defense Mechanisms in an EFL Setting: Pseudo-altruism on Top # Journal Validation of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence questionnaire and Predictability Power of the Former for EFL Learners' Performance # Journal Lexical bundles in abstract and conclusion section The case of applied linguistics and information technology # Journal Epistemic features of generality in conlusions The case of applied linguistics and power system engineering # Journal The types of scaffolding used by EFL Teachers in Isfahan # Journal Validating Factor Structure of the Persian Version of Emotion Regulation Strategies Inventory among Iranian EFL University Teachers # Journal Assessing Teachers' Perceptions of Using Criticality-Enhancing English Language Materials inside EFL Classes # Journal Response Resistance or Restraint A Triadic Model of Pre-service Teachers Perceptions on the (F)utility of Educational Therapy and Life Skills Education in ELT 10.1007/s40299-017-0353-2 Journal