Dr.Hassan Haleh

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+98 313 391xxxx
+98 313 391xxxx
assistant professor of industrial engineering department
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Title DOI Year Month type
Formulating a design model for product platform architecture adopting integrated design approach considering variety, cost, and accessibility criteria 10.1007/s11740-023-01224-4 1402 07 Journal
A Combined Model Design for Developing and Optimizing Product Platform Architecture Considering Parameters of DFV, DFC, DFSC, and DFAv case study: phased array radar 10.22094/JOIE.2023.1981834.2050 1402 05 Journal
A Mixed Integer Linear Formulation and a Grouping League Championship Algorithm for a Multiperiod-Multitrip Order Picking System with Product Replenishment to Minimize Total Tardiness 10.1155/2022/1382558 1401 06 Journal
طراحي مدل توسعه ي معماري پلتفرم محصول با رويكرد چند هدفه شامل DFC و DFV و DFSC، مطالعه ي موردي: سيستم آنتن آرايه فازي يي - 1401 04 Journal
طراحي مدل توسعه ي معماري پلتفرم محصول با رويكرد چند هدفه شامل DFC و DFV و DFSC، مطالعه موردي: سيستم آنتن آرايه فازي - 1401 04 Journal
Modeling and solution methods for hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with job rejection 10.1007/s12351-021-00629-2 1401 04 Journal
بهينه سازي سيستم برداشت سفارش چند دوره اي و مسيريابي چند سفره برداشت كننده ها با هدف حداقل سازي مجموع ديركرد - 1401 01 Journal
تحليل پروژه هاي كلان بر اساس ابعاد پايداري و با رويكرد چابكي با استفاده از تحليل پوششي داده ها؛ مورد مطالعه پروژه هاي كلان شهرداري اصفهان 10.22105/dmor.2021.254777.1244 1400 09 Journal
Agility Factors' Analyses Framework in Project-Oriented Organizations through a Sustainability Approach in Large Projects Case Study: Isfahan Municipality 10.1155/2021/9629331 1400 06 Journal
Green reverse supply chain network design considering location-routing-inventory decisions with simultaneous pickup and delivery 10.1007/s11356-021-13770-4 1400 02 Journal