hamzeh@iut.ac.ir Office Room 409, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran Phone +98 313 3915472 Fax +98 313 3912451 Positions Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Research Interests Reliability evaluation Applications of artificial intelligence in energy systems Cyber-power interdependency Renewable Energy Resources High-voltage electric system facilities More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type The impact of cyber network configuration on the dynamic-thermal failure of transformers considering distributed generator controller # Journal Reliability evaluation of distribution transformers considering the negative and positive effects of rooftop photovoltaics # Journal Optimizing Configuration of Cyber Network Considering Graph Theory Structure and Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (GT-TLBO) # Journal Risk management of smart grids based on plug-in hybrid electric vehicles' charging considering transformers' hottest spot temperature-dependent aging failures # Journal Reliability evaluation of distribution transformers with high penetration of distributed generation # Journal Risk management of smart grids based on managed charging of PHEVs and vehicle-to-grid strategy using Monte Carlo simulation # Journal