
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Performance Evaluation of a New End-Point Admission Control Alghorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization NULL 1389 04 Journal
الگوريتم جديد مسيريابي مبتني بركيفيت سرويس براي مهندسي ترافيك شبكه هاي MPLS 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Convergence Conditions for Decentralized Optimal Traffic Engineering in Connectionless Networks NULL 1389 02 Journal
Performance evaluation of a new traffic engineering algorithm in NGN based end-point admission control NULL 1389 01 Journal
A New Low-Complexity QoS Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering 1388 09 Conference Ninth IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2009)
Using Relay Networks to Increase Life Time in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks 1388 03 Conference IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks Workshops
HRSQM Heterogeneous Receivers Supporting QoS Multicast 1388 03 Conference The Eighth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2009 )
Optimal Solution to Disjoint Set Cover in Wireless Sensor Networks via Boolean Satisfiability 1388 02 Conference هفدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Evaluation of a New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks NULL 1388 01 Journal
Bounded Delay Transmission of Different Traffic Classes in Wireless Sensor Networks 1388 01 Conference IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2009 )
A low cost VoIP architecture for private networks 1387 12 Conference 2009 International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2009 )
An Efficient End-to-End QoS Algorithm Using a New End-Point Admission Control in DiffServ Networks 1387 11 Conference The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Control Communication
A New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks 1387 09 Conference 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
A New Endpoint Admission Control Algorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization 1387 04 Conference International Conference on Communication Theory Reliability and Quality of Service
حل مشكل NAT براي سيگنالينگ SIP بدون نياز به عبور ترافيك RTP از سرور VOIP 1387 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Exclusive Design of a One-color LED Display Panel 1387 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Virtual Network Approach to Scalable IP Service Deployment and Efficient Resource Management NULL 1384 07 Journal
Investigation of ant colony algorithm in multiple traffic flow environments 1384 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE)
An Improvement of self-localization for omnidirectional mobile robots using a new odometry sensor and omnidirectional vision 1383 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE)
A Scheduler ASIC for a Programmable Packet Switch NULL 1378 10 Journal