
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type Conference Title
Performance Evaluation of a New End-Point Admission Control Alghorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization NULL 1389 - 04 Journal
Convergence Conditions for Decentralized Optimal Traffic Engineering in Connectionless Networks NULL 1389 - 02 Journal
الگوريتم جديد مسيريابي مبتني بركيفيت سرويس براي مهندسي ترافيك شبكه هاي MPLS 1389 - 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Performance evaluation of a new traffic engineering algorithm in NGN based end-point admission control NULL 1389 - 01 Journal
A New Low-Complexity QoS Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering 1388 - 09 Conference Ninth IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2009)
HRSQM Heterogeneous Receivers Supporting QoS Multicast 1388 - 03 Conference The Eighth International Conference on Networks (ICN 2009 )
Using Relay Networks to Increase Life Time in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks 1388 - 03 Conference IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks Workshops
Optimal Solution to Disjoint Set Cover in Wireless Sensor Networks via Boolean Satisfiability 1388 - 02 Conference هفدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Bounded Delay Transmission of Different Traffic Classes in Wireless Sensor Networks 1388 - 01 Conference IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2009 )
Evaluation of a New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks NULL 1388 - 01 Journal
A low cost VoIP architecture for private networks 1387 - 12 Conference 2009 International Conference on Future Networks (ICFN 2009 )
An Efficient End-to-End QoS Algorithm Using a New End-Point Admission Control in DiffServ Networks 1387 - 11 Conference The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Control Communication
A New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks 1387 - 09 Conference 2008 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING
A New Endpoint Admission Control Algorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization 1387 - 04 Conference International Conference on Communication Theory Reliability and Quality of Service
Exclusive Design of a One-color LED Display Panel 1387 - 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
حل مشكل NAT براي سيگنالينگ SIP بدون نياز به عبور ترافيك RTP از سرور VOIP 1387 - 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Virtual Network Approach to Scalable IP Service Deployment and Efficient Resource Management NULL 1384 - 07 Journal
Investigation of ant colony algorithm in multiple traffic flow environments 1384 - 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE)
An Improvement of self-localization for omnidirectional mobile robots using a new odometry sensor and omnidirectional vision 1383 - 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE)
A Scheduler ASIC for a Programmable Packet Switch NULL 1378 - 10 Journal