يك الگوريتم همبسته سازي هشدارهاي IDS با هدف كشف سناريوهاي جديد حمله |
1393 |
06 |
Conference |
11th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCISC 2014) |
Efficiency-Fairness Trade-off in Privacy-Preserving Autonomous Demand Side Management |
1392 |
12 |
Journal |
An Optimal Traffic Distribution Method Supporting End-to-End Delay Bound |
1392 |
10 |
Journal |
Demand Side Management Challenges in Smart Grid a Review |
1392 |
09 |
Conference |
كنفرانس شبكه هاي هوشمند 92 |
Achieving Optimality and Fairness in Autonomous Demand Response Benchmarks and Billing Mechanisms |
1392 |
03 |
Journal |
Maximum Load Balancing with Optimized Link Metrics |
1391 |
09 |
Journal |
Proposing a Load Balancing Algorithm with the Help of an Endpoint Admission Control Algorithm to Improve Traffic Engineering |
1391 |
07 |
Journal |
Route Lookup Algorithms Using the Novel Idea of Coded Prefix Trees |
1391 |
06 |
Journal |
مكانيسم برقراري اعتماد داده محور مقاوم و مقياس پذير براي شبكه هاي اقتضايي خودرويي |
1391 |
06 |
Conference |
نهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن رمز ايران |
Real-Time Attack Scenario Detection via Intrusion Detection Alert Correlation |
1391 |
06 |
Conference |
نهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن رمز ايران |
Real-Time Intrusion Detection Alert Correlation and Attack Scenario Extraction Based on the Prerequisite-Consequence Approach |
1391 |
04 |
Journal |
On the Necessary and Sufficient Requirement of CIOQ Switch to Emulate an Output Queued Switch |
1391 |
04 |
Journal |
A Model for QoS-aware Wireless Communication in Hospitals |
1391 |
01 |
Journal |
New optimal solution to disjoint set K-coverage for lifetime extension in wireless sensor networks |
10.1049/iet-wss.2011.0085 |
1390 |
12 |
Journal |
Enhanced lifetime maximization algorithm for wireless sensor network |
1390 |
04 |
Conference |
7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference( IWCMC 2011 ) |
Coded and Scalar Prefix Trees Prefix Matching Using the Novel Idea of Double Relation chains |
1390 |
03 |
Journal |
Improving false positive in Bloom filter |
1390 |
02 |
Conference |
نوزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران |
Practical approach for traffic engineering with suboptimal OSPF routing |
1390 |
02 |
Conference |
نوزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران |
Minimal Viewing Distance Calculation in LED Display Panels |
1389 |
09 |
Journal |
IP lookup Using the Novel Idea of Scalar Prefix Search with Fast Table Updates |
1389 |
08 |
Journal |