
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Adaptive control for a class of non-affine nonlinear system using wavelet neural networks 1390 10 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation
Design of an on-line recurrent wavelet network controller for a class of nonlinear systems 1390 10 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation
Artificial neural network classifier based on kinetic parameters of human motion 1390 10 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation
MIMO nonlinear dynamic systems identification using fully recurrent wavelet neural network 1390 10 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Control Instrumentation and Automation
Fuuzy-LQR Hybrid Control of an Electro Hydraulic Velocity Servo System 1390 09 Conference 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems
طراحي پايدارساز سيستم قدرت مبتني بر شبكه موجك فازي به منظور ميرا كردن نوسان هاي فركانس پايين سيستم قدرت NULL 1390 04 Journal
Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Networks with Hybrid Algorithm In Nonlinear System Identification 1390 03 Conference 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering ( CSAE 2011 )
Indirect Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Controller for a calss of non-Linear Systems 1390 03 Conference 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering ( CSAE 2011 )
Reduced Chatter Robot Manipulator Sliding Control A Novel Multivariable Approach 1390 02 Conference نوزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
يك الگوريتم يادگيري تركيبي جهت طراحي شبكه هاي موجك فازي براي تقريب توابع شناسايي و كنترل بهنگام سيستم هاي غير خطي NULL 1390 01 Journal
Application of Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network to Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems 1389 08 Conference The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2010)
Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm combined with Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network for Function Learning 1389 08 Conference The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2010)
Control of nonlinear dynamic systems using recurrent wavelet neural network 1389 08 Conference The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2010)
An Effective Initialization for Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Networks In Nonlinear System Identification 1389 08 Conference The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2010)
تعيين تطبيقي نواحي كلمات چاپي فارسي با استفاده از سيستم استنتاج فازي 1389 08 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
Parametric Optimization of Multistage Operational Amplifiers by Using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm 1389 08 Conference 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010)
Input Time Delay Systems Identification Via Wavelet Approach 1389 03 Conference 8th International Conference on Control and Automation (IEEE 2010)
پيش بيني سري هاي زماني چند متغيره با استفاده از سيستم استنتاج فازي بر پايه شبكه عصبي تطبيقي 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
بررسي عملكرد شبكه ي عصبه موجك بازگشتي در مقايسه با ساير شبكه هاي عصبي تطبيقي 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
The Preference of Fuzzy Wavelet Neural Network to ANFIS in Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic Plants with Fast Local Variation 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران