
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Scour at bridge piers in uniform and armored beds under steady and unsteady flow conditions using ANN-APSO and ANN-GA algorithms 10.1080/09715010.2019.1617796 1398 02 Journal
High order robust fast finite time containment control for multi-agent systems 10.1177/0142331219876755 1397 11 Journal
Consensus in first-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with state time delays using adaptive fuzzy wavelet networks 10.1177/0142331218823875 1397 10 Journal
Fuzzy wavelet extreme learning machine NULL 1397 09 Journal
Adaptive impedance control of uncertain robot manipulators with saturation effect based on dynamic surface technique and self-recurrent wavelet neural networks 10.1017/S0263574718000930 1397 05 Journal
تخمين فشار متوسط ديناميكي در جريان هاي دوفازي آب و هوا با استفاده از شبكه هاي عصبي مصنوعي و سيستم عصبي- فازي تطبيقي NULL 1397 04 Journal
A New Approach for Parameter Estimation of Autoregressive Models Using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) 10.1007/s40996-017-0068-x 1396 04 Journal
Application of RBF neural networks in robust adaptive DSC design of nonlinear systems 1396 02 Conference بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Adaptive fuzzy wavelet network control of second order multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics 10.1016/j.isatra.2017.04.002 1396 01 Journal
A Hybrid Fuzzy-Based Multi-Objective PSO Algorithm for Conjunctive Water Use and Optimal Multi-Crop Pattern Planning 10.1007/s11269-016-1567-4 1395 12 Journal
Fuzzy-based Prioritization of Health Safety and Environmental Risks The Case of a Large Gas Refinery NULL 1395 10 Journal
Directional SUSAN image boundary detection of breast thermogram NULL 1395 04 Journal
MISO GPC for Blood Glucose Control in T1DM 1395 02 Conference بيست وچهارمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Adaptive Force-Environment Estimator for Manipulators Based on Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network NULL 1394 09 Journal
Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration in Type 1 Diabetics Using Single Order Sliding Mode Control Combined with Fuzzy On-line Tunable Gain a Simulation Study NULL 1394 04 Journal
Extended hidden Markov model for Optimized Segmentation of Breast Thermography Images NULL 1394 04 Journal
Fuzzy Modeling of Health Safety and Environmental Risks of the first refinery in the South Pars gas field 1394 02 Conference كنفرانس بين المللي علوم، مهندسي و فناوري هاي محيط زيست
پيش بيني عمق سطح ايستابي آبهاي زيرزميني با استفاده از شبكه عصبي مصنوعي آموزش ديده با الگوريتم گروهي ذرات 1394 02 Conference NULL
Estimation of Damped Oscilations Using Adaline Network 1394 02 Conference بيست و سومين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
تخمين افت فشار در جريان هاي دو فازي لخته اي آب و هوا با استفاده از سيستم عصبي- فازي تطبيقي 1393 08 Conference سيزدهمين كنفرانس هيدروليك ايران