Preparation and Characterization of Polyethylene/Starch/Cellulose Nanofiber Composites |
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ايجاد پوشش كامپوزيتي فوق آب گريز خودترميم شونده با قابليت تشكيل و ترميم نانوسوزن هاي استئارات كلسيم |
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Effect of blending procedure on morphology of LDPE/LLDPE/PA blends |
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Investigation of electrical and rheological properties of EPDM/conductive carbon black composites |
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Preparation and Rheological Properties of Epoxy/ Carbon Nanotube Dispersions |
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Graft Copolymerization of Styrene on Starch for Synthesis of a Bioplastic |
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The Combined Effect of Carbon nanotubes Clay and Phosphorus Flame Retardants on Fire Resistance of Fiber-reinforced Epoxy Composites |
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مطالعه اثر افزودن عامل جفت كننده انيدريد مالئيك به نانو كامپوزيت EPDM تقويت شده با نانو لوله كربن |
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بهبود خواص سايشي پوشش هاي شفاف خودرو با افزودن نانو سيليكا |
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Effect of Carbon Black Loading of Various types on Rheological behavior and Electrical Conductivity of Low Density Polyethylene |
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Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of LDPE-Thermoplastic Corn Starch Nanocomposites Using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System |
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Preparation and Properties of LDPE-Thermoplastic Corn Starch-OMMT Nanocomposites for Packaging Applications |
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Flame retardant behavior of epoxy / glass / multi walled carbon nanotubes |
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Investigation of Rheological Mechanical and Water Absorption Properties of LDPE-Thermoplastic Corn Starch Blends |
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Effect of Organo-Modified Montmorillonite (O-MMT) on Mechanical and Barrier Properties of LLDPE/LDPE Blend Films |
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Recycling of Lead Acid Battery Cases Polypropylene in Combination with Thermal Stabilizers and Virgin Polypropylene |
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Modified nanosilica HDPE-g-MA coating on steel by cast-solution method superhydrophobicity and corrosion resistance |
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انتقال حرارت جابجايي جريان آرام نانوسيالات غيرنيوتني در لوله مدور با اعمال شار حرارتي ثابت در ديواره |
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Rheological and optical properties of acrylic-based polyurethane / precipitated nanosilica composite coatings |
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تاثير ساختار كريستالي بر رفتار تريبولوژيكي و استحكام چسبندگي پوشش هاي پليمري پاشش الكترواستاتيكي پلي (اتر اتركتون) |
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