
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Combination effects of carbon nanotubes MMT and phosphorus flame retardant on fire and thermal resistance of fiber-reinforced epoxy composites # Journal
Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanofiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Starch Composites # Journal
Flammability and thermal properties of epoxy/glass/MWNT Composites # Journal
تهيه و بررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت اول اثر سازگار كننده PE-g-MA بر خواص مكانيكي و رفتار جريان # Journal
تهيه وبررسي ويژگي هاي آميخته هاي پلي اتيلن سبك - نشاسته گرمانرم قسمت دوم رفتار جذب آب # Journal
Optimization of acid hydrolysis conditions to improve cellulose nanofibers extraction from Wheat Straw # Journal
Effect of various parameters on the chemical grafting of amide monomers to poly (lactic acid) # Journal
بررسي اثرسازگاركننده بر خواص نانو كامپوزيت اتيلن - پروپيلن دي ان مونومر تقويت شده با نانو لوله هاي كربني چند ديواره # Journal
preparation of porous nanofibers from electrospun polyacrylonitrile/calcium carbonate nanfibers using porogen leaching technique # Journal
مروري بر بازدارندگي شعله در رزين اپوكسي - قسمت اول ريز پركننده هاي تاخير انداز شعله # Journal
The effect of organo-modified montmorillonite on mechanical and barrier properties of linear low-density polyethylene/ low-density polyethylene blend films # Journal
Effect of corn starch content in thermoplastic starch/low-density polyethylene blends on their mechanical and flow properties # Journal
Investigation of the Addition of Nano-CaCO3 at Dry Mixing or Onset of Fusion on the Dispersion Torque and Mechanical Properties of Compounded PVC # Journal
پيش بيني خواص مكانيكي نانو كامپوزيت هاي پلي اتيلن سبك- نشاسته گرمانرم با استفاده از سامانه استنتاج فازي- عصبي تطبيقي # Journal
Pressure Drop of Non-Newtonian Nanofluids Flowing Through a Horizontal Circular Tube # Journal
Microcellular Foaming of Low-Density Polyethylene Using Nano-CaCO3 as a Nucleating Agent # Journal
Free convection heat transfer of non Newtonian nanofluids under constant heat flux condition # Journal
Turbulent convective heat transfer of nanofluids through a square channel # Journal
Turbulent forced convection heat transfer of non-Newtonian nanofluids # Journal
Convective heat transfer of non-Newtonian nanofluids through a uniformly heated circular tube # Journal