
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Induction Motor Drive Dynamic Modeling Using Input-Output Feedback Linearization Controller for Series Hybrid Vehicle 1386 06 Conference International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics(ACEMP 07 Electromotion 07 Joint Conference)
INDUCTION MOTOR BROKEN BAR DIAGNOSIS (A REVIEW) 1386 01 Conference The Second International Conference on Modeling Simulation and Aoolied Optimization ( ICMSAO 2007 )
Mitignation of Torque Ripple in Interior Permanent Magnet Motors via Optimal Shape Design NULL 1385 10 Journal
طراحي يك سيستم هوشمند به منظور تشخيص جهت پديده هاي كوتاه مدت ولتاژ در شبكه قدرت و تعيين شاخص هاي پديده ها بر اساس استاندارد 1385 08 Conference بيست و يكمين كنفرانس بين المللي برق
Optimal design of switching-circuit parameters for switched reluctance motor drive based on genetic algorithms NULL 1385 07 Journal
A New Analytical Method on the Field Calculation of Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous motor NULL 1385 07 Journal
Design of an Optimal Fuzzy Controller for Anti-lock Braking System NULL 1385 06 Journal
Optimal Design of a Switching Circuit parameters for SRM drive based on Genetic Algorithms NULL 1385 06 Journal
A New Method for Determination of Flcker Direction Source Based on Flicker Energy 1384 11 Conference First International ICSC Symposium on Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems and Power ( AIESP 2006 )
Coefficient determination of adaptive feedback linearization method using multi-objective optimization based on genetic algorithm for position control of switched reluctance motors 1384 08 Conference The 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society ( IECON 2005 )
Design Optimiztion of Air-Core Linear Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Improved Performance and Cost 1384 07 Conference The Fifth International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications ( LDIA 2005 )
Designing a Genetic- Fuzzy Anti-lock Brake System Controller NULL 1384 05 Journal
New Techniques on Power Calculation in Non Sinusoidal Unbalanced Systems and its Application to Arc Furnace Power Calculation NULL 1384 01 Journal
An Accurate Method for Calculation of Magnetizing Inductances in Interior Permanent- magnet Synchronous Motors NULL 1383 10 Journal
A Novel Technique on Analytical Calculation of Flux Density Distribution in Brushless PM Motors NULL 1383 02 Journal
Electromagnetic Suspension System 1381 02 Conference دهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Electromagnetic Shock Absorber NULL 1380 10 Journal
طراحي و ساخت يك سيستم تعليق الكترومغناطيسي جديد براي خودروها NULL 1380 10 Journal
پيش بيني عملكرد موتور مغناطيس دائم بدون جاروبك توسط حل دوبعدي ميدان مغناطيسي 1374 02 Conference سومين كنفرانس سالانه مهندسي برق ايران
PM Motor Performance Prediction Using a 2-D Solution of Megnetic Field 1373 01 Conference International Conference and Exhibition on Power Electronics Motion Control (PEMC 94)