
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
تخمين حالت هارمونيكي در سيستم هاي توزيع انرژي الكتريكي 1389 06 Conference اولين كنفرانس كيفيت توان در سيستمهاي قدرت
Double-Stator Switched Reluctance Machines (DSSRM) Fundamentals and Magentic Force Analysis NULL 1389 06 Journal
Loss-minimization Scheme in Modified DTC-SVM for Induction Motors with Torque Ripple Mitigation NULL 1389 04 Journal
يك روش كارآمد براي تخمين حالت مولفه اصلي و هارمونيكي در شبكه هاي توزيع شعاعي NULL 1389 04 Journal
طراحي يك بسته نرم افزاري جامع براي طراحي و آناليز موتورهاي الكتريكي 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
A New Approach for Voltage Profile Enhancement in Distribution Power Systems Using Fixed and Thyristor Comtrolled Series Capacitor (TCSC) 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Predicting Foaming Slag Quality in Electric Arc Furnace Using Power Quality Indices and ANFIS 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
A New Index for Online Tracking of the Switched Capacitor Bank Location in Distribution Systems 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Obtaining a Quantitative Index for Power Quality Eveluation in Competitive Electricity Market NULL 1388 11 Journal
Fuzzy-Statistical Assessment of a Global Quality Index for Competitive Electricity Market NULL 1388 11 Journal
On tracking and Finding the Location of Swithched Capacitor Banks in Distribution Systems 1388 08 Conference IEEE T D ASIA - SIEF 2009
A Novel Algorithm for determining the Exact Location of Switched Capacitor Banks in Distribution Systems 1388 08 Conference IEEE T D ASIA - SIEF 2009
طراحي بهينه موتور جريان مستقيم بوسيله پيش بيني عملكرد با توجه به پارامترهاي طراحي و در نظر گرفتن اثر دانه ها و اشباع 1388 02 Conference هفدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
A Quantitative Global Index for Power Quality Evaluation in Competitive Electricity Market Based on Artificial Neural Networks 1388 01 Conference International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality ( ICREPQ 09)
Intelligent Diagnosis of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Based on New Features in Vibration Spectrum NULL 1387 04 Journal
يك روش كارآمد براي تخمين حالت مولفه اصلي و هارمونيكي در شبكه هاي توزيع شعاعي 1386 08 Conference بيست و دومين كنفرانس بين المللي برق
Comparing the time stepping finite element method results and measured data of a three phase electric arc furnace 1386 07 Conference International Conference on Control Automation and Systems (ICCAS 07 )
Intelligent Diagnosis of Broken Bars in Induction Motors Based on New Features in Vibration Spectrum 1386 06 Conference 6th IEEE Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines Power Electronics and Drives ( sdemped 2007 )
Adaptive input-output feedback linearization controller for doubly-fed induction machine drive 1386 06 Conference International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines and Power Electronics(ACEMP 07 Electromotion 07 Joint Conference)
An Energy Method for Determination of Flicker Source at the Point of Common Coupling 1386 06 Conference The International Conference on Computer as a tool ( EUROCON2007)