
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
aircraft design cycle time reduction using artificial intelligence # Journal
Advantages and disadvantages associated with introducing an extra rarefied gas layer into a rotating microsystem filled with a liquid lubricant First and second law analyses # Journal
Rarefaction and dissipation effects on transport phenomena associated with an immiscible two-phase flow within a shaft-housing micro configuration # Journal
Heat transfer and entropy generation analyses associated with mixed electrokinetically induced and pressure-driven power-law microflows # Journal
Electroviscous and thermal effcts on non-Newtonian liquid flows through microchannels # Journal
Investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics of rarefied gaseous slip flow in nonplanar micro-Couette configuration # Journal
Influence of processing parameters on grinding mechanism in planetary mill by employing discrete element method # Journal
Effects of rarefaction viscous dissipation and rotation mode on the first and second law analyses of rarefied gaseous slip flows confined between a rotating shaft and its concentric housing # Journal
A novel modified lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of gas flows in wide range of Knudsen number # Journal
Molecular dynamics study of congruent melting of the equimolar ionic liquid benzene inclusion crystal emim NTf2 C6H6 # Journal
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids II. Transport coefficients # Journal
Molecular dynamics simulation of imidazolium-based ionic liquids.I. Dynamics and diffusion coefficient # Journal
Novel Hybrid Finite-Difference Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Models for Convective Flows # Journal
A Generalized Lattice Boltzmann Method for Three-Dimensional Incompressible Fluid Flow Simulation # Journal
Molecular dynamics simulation of 13C NMR powder lineshapes of CO in structure I clathrate hydrate # Journal
A Comparison of Non-Newtonian Models for Lattice Boltzmann Blood Flow Simulations # Journal
Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flow across Tube Bundle Using Parallel Coupled Multiblock Navier-Stokes Solver # Journal
Calculation of the Critical Temperature for 2- and 3-Dimensional Ising Models and for 2-Dimensional Potts Models Using the Transfer Matrix Method # Journal
A Computational Model for Adjusting Surface Tension Coefficient in Pseudo-potential Lattice Boltzmann Method Conference
On Implementation of a Pseudo-potential Model in the Meshless Lattice Boltzmann Method Conference