Simulation of the female pelvic mobility and vesical pressure changes employing fluid-structure interaction method |
10.1007/s00192-022-05362-8 |
1401 - 06 |
Journal |
Interaction between the Human OX2 Orexin Receptor and Suvorexant and Some of Its Analogues: SAPT (DFT) Interaction Energy Decomposition Analysis |
1401 - 06 |
Journal |
Impact of cone wall roughness on turbulence swirling flow in a cyclone separator |
10.1007/s11696-022-02261-6 |
1401 - 02 |
Journal |
Decomposition of the interaction energy of several flavonoids with Escherichia coli DNA Gyr using the SAPT (DFT) method: The relation between the interaction energy components, ligand structure, and biological activity |
1400 - 11 |
Journal |
A numerical study on combined baffles quick-separation device |
10.1515/ijcre-2021-0007 |
1399 - 11 |
Journal |
Darcy and inertial fluid flow simulations in porous media using the non-orthogonal central moments lattice Boltzmann method |
10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107572 |
1399 - 08 |
Journal |
A numerical study on hydraulic resistance in flow with vegetation patch |
10.1080/09715010.2020.1759152 |
1399 - 02 |
Journal |
Simulation of high-viscosity-ratio multicomponent fluid flow using a pseudopotential model based on the nonorthogonal central-moments lattice Boltzmann method |
10.1103/PhysRevE.101.043311 |
1399 - 02 |
Journal |
Development of a three dimensional meshless numerical method for the solution of the Boltzmann equation on complex geometries |
1397 - 10 |
Journal |
The effect of curvature of Li-doped polycyclic hydrocarbon on its interaction energy with H2 and H2O: DF-SAPT (DFT) calculation |
1397 - 04 |
Journal |
Energy decomposition analysis of the intermolecular interaction energy between different gas molecules (H 2, O 2, H 2 O, N 2, CO 2, H 2 S, and CO) and selected Li+-doped graphitic molecules: DF-SAPT (DFT) calculations |
1396 - 12 |
Journal |
On Implementation of a Pseudo-potential Model in the Meshless Lattice Boltzmann Method |
1396 - 05 |
Conference |
International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science |
A Computational Model for Adjusting Surface Tension Coefficient in Pseudo-potential Lattice Boltzmann Method |
1396 - 05 |
Conference |
International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science |
On the entropy variations and the Maxwell relations |
1395 - 10 |
Journal |
A new force field for the adsorption of H2 O2 N2 CO H2O and H2S gases on alkali doped carbon nanotubes |
1395 - 09 |
Journal |
بررسي اثرات نسبت چگالي بر عملكرد مدل شبه پتانسيل در شبيه سازي جريان هاي چندفازي |
1395 - 08 |
Journal |
شبيه سازي برخورد قطره با فيلم نازك مايع به كمك مدل چندفازي شبه پتانسيل |
1395 - 03 |
Journal |
مقايسه و توسعه مدل چند فازي شبه -پتانسيل براي معادلات حالت مختلف |
1394 - 12 |
Journal |
A multiple relaxation time extension of the constant speed kinetic model |
1394 - 11 |
Journal |
Effect of Micro-Jet Impingement on Nano-Aerosol Soot Formation in a Turbulent Paraffin-Oil Flame |
1394 - 03 |
Conference |
23rd Annual Conference of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society of Canada |