Numerical solution with higher order accuracy for option pricing with stochastic volatility using a geometric transformation |
Conference |
Real-Life Applications of Operator Theory |
Conference |
Solving the Black-Scholes equation through a higher order comp act finite difference method |
Conference |
Data Modelling and Applied Harmonic Analysis |
Conference |
The importance of the Perron-Frobenius theorem |
Conference |
On the Infinite Variance Option Price Models |
Conference |
An Overview of Harmonic Analysis and its Applications |
Conference |
ارزش در معرض خطر، مدلسازي گارچ و پيش بيني نوسان شرطي بازدهي پوشش ريسك سرمايه |
Conference |
بررسي بهينه سازي سبد سرمايه تحت توزيع هاي غير گاوسي |
Conference |
An application of separable measure algebras to positive operators |
Conference |
Mathematical Analysis with mathematical Modelling in View |
Conference |
Ideal Reducibility of Positive Operators with no Compact Conditions |
Conference |