
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
شكل هاي شيميايي و قابل استخراج به وسيله DTPA آهن در خاك هاي تيمار شده توسط سرباره و لجن كنورتور كارخانه ذوب آهن اصفهان # Journal
Competitive sorption of nickel cadmium zinc and copper on palygorskite and sepiolite silicate clay minerals # Journal
Phytosiderophore release by wheat genotypes differing in 1 zinc deficiency tolerance grown at Zn-free nutrient solution as affected by salinity # Journal
Effect of zinc nutrition on salinity-induced oxidative damages in wheat genotypes differing in zinc deficiency tolerance # Journal
Adsorption desorption behavior of 2 4-D on NCP-modified bentonite and zeolite Implications for slow-release herbicide formulations # Journal
Copper Effects on Growth Lipid Peroxidation and Total Phenolic Content of Rosemary Leaves Under Salinity Stress # Journal
تغذيه روي و منگنز درختان اقاقيا، نارون و چنار فضاي سبز شهر اصفهان به روش چالكود # Journal
Effect of salinity and zinc on physiological and nutritional responses of rosmemary # Journal
تا ثير شوري و تغذيه روي بر رشد و خواص آنتي اكسيداني رزماري (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) در يك خاك آهكي # Journal
Combined Effect of Zinc and Cadmium Levels on Root Antioxidative Responses in Three Different Zinc-Efficient Wheat Genotypes # Journal
Health Risk Assessment of Fluoride Exposure in Soil Palnts and Water at Isfahan Iran # Journal
اثر سيدروفور دسفروكسامين بي (DFO-B) بر جذب سرب بوسيله كاني مونت موريلونايت # Journal
Phosphorus Sorption Kinetic in Calcareous Soils of Selected Arid and Semiarid Toposequences and its Relationship with Plant Growth # Journal
Sorption hystersis of Cd(II) and Pb(II) on natural zeolite and bentonite # Journal
Sorption of Lead on Iranian bentonite and zeolite kinetics and isotherms # Journal
Effects of zinc activity in nutrient solution on uptake translocation and root export of cadmium and zinc in three wheat genotypes with different zinc efficiencies # Journal
Sodium Chloride Effects on Seed Germination Growth and Ion Concentration in Chamomile # Journal
Kinetics of zinc release from ground tire rubber and rubber ash in a calcareous soil as alternatives to Zn fertilizers # Journal
Bioaccumulation of Nickel and Lead by Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon) and Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) From two Contaminated Soils # Journal
Cumulative and Residual Effects of Organic Fertilizer Application on SelectedSoil Properties Water Soluble P Olsen-P and P Sorption Index # Journal