
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Fortification of tomato with Ca and its effects on the fruit quality, calcium status and nutraceutical values of tomato in diferent NO3:NH4 ratios # Journal
Effects of GLDA, MGDA, and EDTA chelating ligands on Pb sorption by montmorillonite # Journal
Bentonite addition to a PCB-contaminated sandy soil improved the growth and phytoremediation efficiency of Zea mays L. and Alternanthera sessilis L. # Journal
تغييرات زماني برخي ويژگيهاي مهم كود دامي غني شده با فلوگوپيت طي فرآيند كمپوست و ورمي كمپوست شدن # Journal
Phenol adsorption on high microporous activated carbons prepared from oily sludge: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies 10.1038/s41598-019-55794-4 Journal
بررسي روش هاي دورن يابي براي تعيين پراكنش مكاني كربن آلي و نيتروژن خاك در اراضي منطقه لنجانات استان اصفهان # Journal
تغييرات شكل هاي پتاسيم و كانيها ي رسي در خاك تحت كشت پرتقال با سنين مختلف در شهرستان داراب (استان فارس) # Journal
Coating of sepiolite-chitosan nanocomposites onto urea increases nitrogen availability and its use efficiency in maize 10.1080/03650340.2019.1643842 Journal
تغييرات شكلهاي پتاسيم و كانيهاي رسي در خاك زير كشت پرتقال با سنين مختلف در شهرستان داراب (استان فارس) # Journal
Composts Containing Natural and Mg?Modified Zeolite: The Effect on Nitrate Leaching, Drainage Water, and Yield 10.1002/clen.201800257 Journal
تاثير دماي محيط و نيتروژن خاك بر برخي صفات فيزيولوژيكي و توليد ماده خشك در گندم رقم بهار(Triticum aestivum cv. Bahar) # Journal
Feasibility of agricultural residues and their biochars for plant growing media: Physical and hydraulic properties 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.02.034 Journal
The role of root plasma membrane ATPase and rhizosphere acidification in zinc uptake by two different Zn-deficiency-tolerant wheat cultivars in response to zinc and histidine availability 10.1080/03650340.2019.1572881 Journal
Improving Quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost through Mg-Modified Zeolite # Journal
اثر كمپوست حاوي زئوليت اصلاح شده با منيزيم بر برخي صفات ريخت شناسي و كلروفيل ذرت در خاك لوم شني # Journal
مقايسه تأثير تغذيه برگي سولفات روي و آمينوكلات روي-ليزين بر شاخص هاي رشد پياز بهبهان 10.22059/ijswr.2017.231268.667662 Journal
Coupling of bioaugmentation and phytoremediation to improve PCBs removal from a transformer oil-contaminated soil # Journal
Incorporation of Mg-modified zeolite in municipal solid waste compost reduces heavy metal concentration in soil and corn plant # Journal
The effects of foliar applied potassium in the mineral form and complexed with amino acids on pistachio nut yield and quality 10.1080/03650340.2018.1439580 Journal
Physiological characteristics of Plantago major under SO2 exposure as affected by foliar iron spray 10.1007/s11356-017-9457-8 Journal