ت ثير چرخه هاي تر و خشك شدن بر برآورد تنش در آستانه تراكم يك خاك ريز بافت |
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مطالعه تغيير در خواص رئولوژي بافت سيب زميني در طول انبارداري با استفاده از آزمون خزش |
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Feasibility study on the potential of electrical conductivity sensor Veris 3100 for field mapping of topsoil strength |
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3D fnite element simulation of a single-tip horizontal penetrometer soil interaction. Part II Soil bin verification of the model in a clay-loam soil |
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Assessing confined and semi-confined compression curves of highly calcareous remolded soil amended with farmyard manure |
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Evaluation of Energy Productivity in different Tillage Methods of Irrigated Wheat in Fars Khuzestan and Esfahan Provinces |
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طراحي، ساخت و ارزيابي دستگاه بذركار خودكار پنوماتيك جهت تهيه سيني نشا |
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A Model for the Estimation of Yield and Investigation on Factors Affecting Irrigated Wheat Production in Various Tillage Methods (Using Artificial Neural Networks) |
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اثر سيستم هاي خاك ورزي بين رديفي بر عملكرد كمي و كيفي سيب زميني و كارايي مصرف آب در يك خاك ريز بافت |
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A horizontal multiple-tip penetrometer for on-the-go soil mechanical resistance and acoustic failure mode detection |
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Relationships between rut depth and soil mechanical properties in a calcareous soil with unstable structure |
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Development and field testing of an integrated sensor for on-the-go measurement of soil mechanical resistance |
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Soil loosening characteristics of a dual bent blade subsurface tillage implement |
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تراكم پذيري خاك هاي ريز و درشت بافت تحت تاثير چرخه هاي تر و خشك شدن |
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تاثير چرخه هاي تر و خشك شدن بر منحني فشردگي و ارزيابي روش هاي برآورد تراكم پذيري خاك درشت بافت |
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ارزيابي داده هاي خروجي از حسگر اندازه گير بلادرنگ رطوبت خاك با استفاده از شبكه عصبي |
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Influence of moisture content and whitening method on degree of milling and head rice yield of three Iranian rice varieties |
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ت ثير شدت پادلينگ بر نگهداشت آب در خاك و ميزان آب مصرفي براي پادلينگ در سه بافت خاك در اراضي شاليزاري استان گيلان |
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Use of a triple-sensor fusion system for on-the-go measurement of soil compaction |
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