
Title DOI Year Month type
Ab initio calculations of the electronic and structural properties of beryllium-magnesium- and calcium-nitrides NULL 1381 01 Journal
بررسي خواص ساختاري و الكتروني بلور سولفيد كلسيوم NULL 1381 01 Journal
Structural and electronic properties of CaD NULL 1380 01 Journal
شبه پتانسيل و برخي روش هاي توليد ان NULL 1378 01 Journal
Electronic and structural properties of BaTe NULL 1378 01 Journal
مطالعه نظري بلور كلريد سديم به كمك نظريه تابعي جگالي NULL 1378 01 Journal
Numerical simulations of the phase transitions in clusters NULL 1376 01 Journal
Ab-initio calculation of the KCl phonon frequencies NULL 1375 01 Journal
The influence of generalized gradient corrections on the structural and electronic properties of Tellurium NULL 1375 01 Journal
High pressure behavior of KCl structural and electronic properties NULL 1374 01 Journal
Theoretical study of NaCl under compression NULL 1374 01 Journal
Investigation of melting by molecular dynamics simulation NULL 1373 01 Journal
A theoretical study of Selenium I under high pressure NULL 1373 01 Journal
A theoretical study of pressure effects on Selenium NULL 1373 01 Journal
Molecular Dynamics simulation of molten silica at high pressure NULL 1372 01 Journal
A low temperature specific heat investigation of Cd1-xMnxSe Cd1-xMnxS NULL 1371 01 Journal
Analysis of some magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors NULL 1369 01 Journal
Low temperature calorimetric investigation of CoGa spin-glass NULL 1362 01 Journal
Specific heats of Tl3 AsSe3 AgTlS and AgTlSe between 1 and 50 K NULL 1361 01 Journal
Specific heats of mercury chalcogenides and HgI2 between 0.4 and 50K NULL 1359 01 Journal