
Title DOI Year Month type
density functional study of Zn1-xMgxSeyTe1-y quaternary semiconductor alloys NULL 1385 02 Journal
First-principles investigations of the ground-state and excited-state properties of BeO polymorphs NULL 1385 01 Journal
Band structure and optical properties of antimony -sulfobromide density functional calculation NULL 1385 01 Journal
FP-LAPW investigations of Zn1--xBexS Zn1-xBexSe and Zn1-xBexTe ternary alloys NULL 1385 01 Journal
Density functional theory study of structural electronic and magnetic properties od dilute Cr-X alloys (X Fe Rh Cd Sn Ta ) NULL 1385 01 Journal
Density functional theory study of the structural electronic and magnetic properties of dilute Cr-X alloys (X Fe Ru-Sb Ta) NULL 1385 01 Journal
Band structure and optical properties of SbSeI density functional calculation NULL 1385 01 Journal
first principle study of Co2MnSi/GaAs(001) heterostructures NULL 1385 01 Journal
محاسبه ميدان مغناطيسي فوق ريز در مكان هسته هاي Cd Rh FeوSn در بلور كروم NULL 1384 01 Journal
Ground State properties and structural phase transition of berylian chalcogenides NULL 1384 01 Journal
محاسبه ميدان مغناطيسي فوق ريز در مكان هسته هاي اهن - كادميوم ....در بلور كروم NULL 1383 01 Journal
First principle investigation of BNxP1-x BNxAs1-x and BPxAs1-x ternary alloys NULL 1383 01 Journal
Structural and electronic properties of the wide-gap Zn1-xMgxS Zn1-xMgxSe and Zn1-xMgxTe ternary alloys NULL 1383 01 Journal
First principles elastic and bonding properties of barium chalcogenides NULL 1383 01 Journal
A first principle study of band structure of III-nitride xompounds NULL 1383 01 Journal
Effects of pressure on the electric field gradient in USn3 NULL 1383 01 Journal
Structural properties of boron compounds at high pressure NULL 1382 01 Journal
First principle investigation of the electronic and structural properties of Mg3xBe3-3xN2 ternary alloy NULL 1382 01 Journal
Density functional approach to study structural properties and electric field gradients in rare earth materials NULL 1382 01 Journal
Theoretical study of structural and electronic properties of CaFI NULL 1382 01 Journal