ارزيابي برخي صفات كيفيتي آرد گندم در شرايط تنش شوري |
1402 |
11 |
Conference |
هشتمين كنفرانس ملي فيزيولوژي گياهي ايران |
اثر تنش شوري بر عناصر ريز مغذي در آرد گندم |
1402 |
11 |
Conference |
هشتمين كنفرانس ملي فيزيولوژي گياهي ايران |
Salt tolerance in plants: molecular and functional adaptations |
https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1280788 |
1402 |
06 |
Journal |
Epigenetic adaptation to drought and salinity in crop plants |
1402 |
04 |
Journal |
Phytochemical, Morphological, and Physiological Variation in Different Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.) Populations as Affected by Salt Stress, Genotype × Year Interaction and Pollination System |
10.3390/ijms241310438 |
1402 |
03 |
Journal |
Expression of Flowering Repressor Gene CsSVP, Carbohydrates, and Antioxidants Affected by Plant Growth Regulators in Saffron |
1401 |
11 |
Journal |
Phenolic compounds and antimicrobial properties of mint and thyme |
10.1016/j.hermed.2022.100604 |
1401 |
09 |
Journal |
Yield related traits and tolerance indices to screen salinity tolerant genotypes in cultivated and wild barley |
10.1007/s10343-022-00692-5 |
1401 |
09 |
Journal |
Grain and flour quality of wheat genotypes grown under heat stress |
10.1016/j.sjbs.2022.103417 |
1401 |
07 |
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ارزيابي صفات مرتبط با كيفيت دانه لاينهاي اف5 گندم تحت شرايط تنش خشكي انتهاي فصل |
1401 |
07 |
Journal |
Changes in Essential Oil Composition, Polyphenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.) Populations in Response to Water Deficit |
1401 |
07 |
Journal |
اثر تنش شوري بر عملكرد و كيفيت دانه لاينهاي گندم (Triticum aestivum L) |
1401 |
04 |
Journal |
Do ancient wheats contain less gluten than modern bread wheat, in favour of better health? |
10.1111/nbu.12551 |
1401 |
03 |
Journal |
Physiological and transcriptome indicators of salt tolerance in wild and cultivated barley |
1401 |
01 |
Journal |
Overexpression of Choline Oxidase Gene in Three Filial Generations of Rice Transgenic Lines |
10.30498/ijb.2022.245350.2850 |
1401 |
01 |
Journal |
Genetic analysis of salinity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) |
10.1371/journal.pone.0265520 |
1400 |
12 |
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تنوع ژنتيكي فاميلهاي تلاقي برگشتي حاصل از تلاقي جو زراعي و وحشي با نشانگرهاي مولكولي |
1400 |
07 |
Journal |
Relationships between grain, flour, and dough quality characteristics and solvent retention capacity tests of twelve triticale cultivars and parental species |
10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.131283 |
1400 |
07 |
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Hybridization of wheat and Aegilops cylindrica: development, karyomorphology, DNA barcoding and salt tolerance of the amphidiploids |
1400 |
06 |
Journal |
Photosynthetic and yield performance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under sowing in hot environment |
10.1007/s11738-021-03278-2 |
1400 |
04 |
Journal |