
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Linear and Non-linear Modeling for Predicting Nickel Removal from Aqueous Solutions # Journal
The effects of different inflow hydrograph shapes on furrow irrigation fertigation # Journal
Saline irrigation water management strategies for better yield of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in an arid region # Journal
Effects of partial rootzone drying on yield yield components and irrigation water use efficiency of canola (Brassica napus L.) # Journal
Application of some combined adsorbents to remove salinity parameters from drainage water # Journal
Effects of magnetized water and irrigation water salinity on soil moisture distribution in trickle irrigation # Journal
اثر كيفيت آب آبياري بر عملكرد و برخي اجزاي عملكرد گرمك به روش آبياري قطره اي # Journal
Effect of water quality and different planting methods on wheat yield # Journal
Effects of irrigation water salinity and leaching fraction on yield and evapotranspiration in spring wheat # Journal
Hydraulic calculation of field drain pipe diameter Using the theory of spatially-varied flow with increasing discharge # Journal
Effects of irrigation water management on yield and water use efficiency of rice in cracked paddy soils # Journal
The comparison of erosion of meandering and standard furrow irrigation under different field slopes # Journal
اثر خشك كردن ناحيه اي محيط ريشه (PRD) بر ميزان عناصر غذايي، ماده خشك، شاخص برداشت و توزيع سيستم ريشه در كلزا (Brassica napus L.)، رقم زرفام تحت شرايط گلخانه اي # Journal
Species factor and evapotranspiration for an Ash (Fraxinus rotundifolia) and Cypress (Cupressus arizonica) in an arid region # Journal
Effect of puddling intensity on physical properties of a silty clay soil under laboratory and field conditions # Journal
تحليل پديده هاي هيدروليك با رويكرد الكتريك # Journal
تا ثير سطوح مختلف پادلينگ بر تغييرات رطوبت و چگالي حجمي سه بافت خاك غالب در اراضي شاليزاري استان گيلان # Journal
تا ثير آبياري با پساب بر برخي ويژگي هاي چمن ژاپني در بافت هاي مختلف خاك # Journal
تاثير پساب تصفيه شده بر جذب برخي عناصر توسط چمن در بافت هاي مختلف خاك # Journal
برنامه كامپيوتري براي محاسبه پارامترهاي توابع هندسي جويچه # Journal