Office College of Agriculture Phone (++98) 31 33913430 Fax (++98) 31 33913447 Positions College of Agriculture Research Interests Irrigation and Drainage Surface Irrigation Drainage Engineering Presurized Irrigation Systems More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Experimental study and numerical simulation of soil water and salt transport under dry drainage conditions # Journal ASSESSMENT OF SOLUTE TRANSPORT AND DISTRIBUTION UNDER DRY DRAINAGE CONDITIONS USING A PHYSICAL MODEL 10.1002/ird.2370 Journal Effect of Initial Soil Water Content on Output Parameters of Sirmod Software Under Types of Different Irrigation Management 10.1002/ird.2371 Journal Soil physical and chemical properties and drain water quality as affected by irrigation and leaching managements 10.1080/00380768.2019.1622400 Journal Surface Irrigation Simulation0Optimization Model Based on Meta0Heuristic Algorithms # Journal Salinity management for irrigation with saline0sodic wastewater under corn cultivation # Journal ASSESSING CRITERIA AFFECTING SEFIDROUD IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE NETWORKS PERFORMANCE USING TOPSIS-ENTROPY THEORY # Journal Salt tolerance analysis of crops using the SWAP model # Journal Effect of the interaction of water and nitrogen on sunflower under drip irrigation in an arid region # Journal Soil salinity control using dry drainage concept # Journal