Molecular Dynamics studies of the Electrical Conductivity of Imidazolium-Based Ionic liquids |
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Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids with the Alanine and Glycine Anions |
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Atomistic Simulation of the structure of the Tetrabutylphosphonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids |
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Study of Ionic Diffusion coefficients in 1-Alkyl-3-Methylimidazolium-Based ionic Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation |
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Molecular dynamics simulation of NMR Lineshape Anisotropy of Guest Molecules within Inclusion Complexes |
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A structural study of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation |
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Molecular dynamics simulations of sodium and potassium disilicate A universal equation of state |
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Dynamics in Room-temperature Ionic Liquids A Computer Simulation Study |
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A systematic structural study of 1-Alkyl-3-Methylimidazolium-Based Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation |
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Investigation of Structural thermodynamics and dynamics of Alkali-metal disilicate glasses via molecular dynamics simulation |
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Molecular dynamics studies of stabilities structures of two solid state phases of aspirin and its solubility in different solvents |
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Molecular dynamics study of thermal expansivity for sI and sII Clathrate Hydrates |
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Viscosity Calculation of supercritical gases based on the hard spere model |
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Friction theory for calculation of th viscosity of dense fluids |
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Anew way for the calculation of viscosity of binary mixtures over a wide pressure rang |
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Calculation of the viscosity of super criyical fluids based on the modified Enskog theory |
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New correlation function for the calculation of the transport properties of gases near the crirical state |
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calculation of the viscosity of fluid using the modified Enskog theory via two new correlation function for the Co volume and thermal pressure |
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prediction of the viscosity of supercritical gases and refrigrant at high pressure |
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A new correlation function for the thermal conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure ranges |
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