
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Molecular Dynamics studies of the Electrical Conductivity of Imidazolium-Based Ionic liquids Conference
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids with the Alanine and Glycine Anions Conference
Atomistic Simulation of the structure of the Tetrabutylphosphonium Amino Acid Ionic Liquids Conference
Study of Ionic Diffusion coefficients in 1-Alkyl-3-Methylimidazolium-Based ionic Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation Conference
Molecular dynamics simulation of NMR Lineshape Anisotropy of Guest Molecules within Inclusion Complexes Conference
A structural study of the Amino Acid Ionic Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation Conference
Molecular dynamics simulations of sodium and potassium disilicate A universal equation of state Conference
Dynamics in Room-temperature Ionic Liquids A Computer Simulation Study Conference
A systematic structural study of 1-Alkyl-3-Methylimidazolium-Based Liquids via Molecular Dynamics Simulation Conference
Investigation of Structural thermodynamics and dynamics of Alkali-metal disilicate glasses via molecular dynamics simulation Conference
Molecular dynamics studies of stabilities structures of two solid state phases of aspirin and its solubility in different solvents Conference
Molecular dynamics study of thermal expansivity for sI and sII Clathrate Hydrates Conference
Viscosity Calculation of supercritical gases based on the hard spere model Conference
Friction theory for calculation of th viscosity of dense fluids Conference
Anew way for the calculation of viscosity of binary mixtures over a wide pressure rang Conference
Calculation of the viscosity of super criyical fluids based on the modified Enskog theory Conference
New correlation function for the calculation of the transport properties of gases near the crirical state Conference
calculation of the viscosity of fluid using the modified Enskog theory via two new correlation function for the Co volume and thermal pressure Conference
prediction of the viscosity of supercritical gases and refrigrant at high pressure Conference
A new correlation function for the thermal conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure ranges Conference