
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Calculation of thermodynamc properties of simple fluids using a new derived pair correlation function # Journal
Sorption of cadmium on palygorskite sepiolite and calcite Equilibria and organic ligand affected kinetics # Journal
Prediction of the viscosity of supercritical gases with the Enskog theory with effective hard-sphere potential # Journal
A new expression for radial distribution function and infinite shear modulus of Lennard-Jones fluids # Journal
Sorption-desorption of cadmium in aqueous palygorskite sepiolite and calcite suspensions Isotherm hysteresis # Journal
Investigation of the density dependence of the shear relaxation time of dense fluids # Journal
Analytical solution to Integral equation of liquid state theories for potentials with a hard core at low densities # Journal
calculation of viscosity of supercritical fluids based on the Modified Enskog Theory # Journal
Three-Parameter correlation functions for the calculation of thermal conductivity of Gases Liquids and Refrigerants over wide temperature-pressure ranges # Journal
High-Frequency shear modulus and relaxation time of soft-sphere and Lennard-Jones Fluids # Journal
New correlation functions for the calculation of the thermal conductivity of gases over a wide temperature and pressure # Journal
Determination of potential energy functions of argon krypton and xenon via the inversion of reduced viscosity collision integrals at zero pressure # Journal
Viscosity calculation of supercritical Gases based on the Rainwater-Friend Theory and the Modified Enskog Theory # Journal
Pressure dependence of liquid vapor pressure an improved Gibbs prediction # Journal
Prediction of the thermal conductivity of gases based on the Rainwater- Friend theory and a new corresponding states function # Journal
New Correlation Functions for Viscosity Calculation of Gases Over Wide Temperature and Pressure Ranges # Journal
Prediction of the Attractive Branch of the Effective Pair Potential by Using the Joule- Thomson Inversion Curve # Journal
Prediction of the Inversion Curve and the Maximum Value of the J- T for Some Refrigerants # Journal
Calculation of Osmotic Pressure Using a Closed System # Journal
Prediction of the Temperature and Density Dependencies of the Parameters of the Average Effective Pair Potential Using O # Journal