بكارگيري ابزارهاي اقتصادي در افزايش بهره وري آب مطالعه موردي حوضه آبريز زاينده رود |
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Integrated River Basin Planning and Management A Case Study of the Zayandehrud River Basin Iran |
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Economic Assessment of Water Resources Management Strategies |
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ارزيابي آسيب پذيري آبخوان دشت ميمه اصفهان با استفاده از روشهاي تطبيقي DRASTIC،GODS و AVI |
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Development of Integrated Drought Evaluation and Monitoring System Case Study of Aharchay River Basin |
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ارزيابي تاثير پيش پردازش متغيرهاي ورودي به مدل ماشين بردار پشتيبان به روش آزمون گاما به منظور پيش بيني حجم رسوب معلق |
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Rainfall-Runoff Simulation using MIKE11/NAM and ANFIS Models (A Case Study Qleh Shahrokh Basin in Iran) |
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Stream Flow Simulation using SVM ANFIS and NAM Models (A Case Study) |
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Daily suspended sediment load prediction using artificial neural networks and support vector machines |
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ارزيابي ريسك زيست محيطي سدها با استفاده از شبكه بيزين و تحليل سلسله مراتبي مطالعه موردي، سد جره |
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Integrated Planning of Land Use and Water Allocation on a Watershed Scale Considering Social and Water Quality Issues |
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Identification of dominant sources of sea level pressure for precipitation forecasting over Wales |
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Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic A Case Study in The Zayandehrood Aquifers Iran |
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Intermittent Streamflow Forecasting by Using Several Data Driven Techniques |
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كاربرد تئوري تصميم گيري بي در بهره برداري از مخزن مطالعه موردي سد ستارخان |
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Evaluation of floodplain variability considering impacts of climate change |
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ارزيابي اثرات بهترين راهكارهاي مديريتي در حوضه آبخيز بر بهره برداري كمي و كيفي از مخزن |
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Probabilistic reservoir operation using Bayesian stochastic model and support vector machine |
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InterBasin Water Transfer Economic Water Quality-Based Model |
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Effect of Data Time Interval on Real-time Flood Forecasting |
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