Market-based groundwater resources allocation mechanism: An inter-sectoral water exchanges programming analysis |
10.1016/j.wre.2022.100193 |
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Runoff responses to human activities and climate change in an arid watershed of central Iran |
10.1080/02626667.2021.1985724 |
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Agent-based modeling of participants' behaviors in an inter-sectoral groundwater market |
10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113560 |
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Bottom-up capping (BUC) policy under bargaining techniques for inter-sectoral groundwater trading: a case study from Iran |
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Assessment of the uncertainties of global climate models in the evaluation of standardized precipitation and runoff indices: a case study |
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Optimal water allocation of the Zayandeh-Roud Reservoir in Iran based on inflow projection under climate change scenarios |
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Application of non-cooperative dynamic game theory for groundwater conflict resolution |
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توسعه چارچوب بازار آب بين بخشي براي ارتقاي بازدهي اقتصادي مصرف آب زيرزميني |
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Non-cooperative stability assessments of groundwater resources management based on the tradeoff between the economy and the environment |
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Resolving water allocation conflicts using WEAP simulation model and non-cooperative game theory |
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The future of extreme climate in Iran |
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Water Quality Modeling of Mahabad Dam Watershed-Reservoir System under Climate Change Conditions, Using SWAT and System Dynamics |
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Stability Analysis of Stakeholders' Cooperation in Inter-Basin Water Transfer Projects: a Case Study |
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چالشها و ملاحظات حقوق بازار آب محلي، مطالعه موردي دشت اصفهان - برخوار |
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تحليل پايداري در تسهيم آب رودخانه هاي مرزي با استفاده از نظريه بازي، مطالعه موردي: رودخانه هريرود |
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A dynamic model of water resources management using the scenario analysis technique in downstream of the Zayandehroud basin |
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شبيه سازي رفتار عاملهاي موثر در مديريت منابع آب جهت ارزيابي تعاملات آنها تحت چارچوب مدلسازي عامل بنيان در محدوده لنجانات حوضه زاينده رود |
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Using the agent-based model to simulate and evaluate the interaction effects of agent behaviors on groundwater resources, a case study of a sub-basin in the Zayandehroud River basin |
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Development of a Hybrid Algorithm for the Optimal Design of Sewer Networks |
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Assessment of input data selection methods for BOD simulation using data-driven models: a case study |
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