
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Chicken liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Enrichment using Nano- and Microbubbles Conference
استخراج پيوسته فلزات سنگين با استفاده از غشا مايع امولسيوني و مقايسه نتايج حاصل با فرآيند ناپيوسته Conference
سنتز كريستال هاي زئوليت 5A توسط روش ميكروامولسيون Conference
Flow field of rarefied gases in suddenly expanded/contracted micro-and nanochannels using direct Monte Carlo method Conference
Application of response surface methodology for the extraction and enrichment of silver from aqueous solutions by emulsion liquid membrane Conference
Recovery and Enrichment of Alpha Amylase by Batch Foam Fractionation Conference
Processes in Integrated Refining and Petrochemicals Complexes Motivations and Challenges Conference
بررسي پارامترهاي موثر ماشينكاري فتوشيميايي بدون شابلون براي توليد چرخ دنده ساده با ابعاد كوچك Conference
An Optimization Method for Remediation of LNAPL s from Contaminated Groundwater Conference
Metallocene Catalyzed Polymerization of Ethylene Using Silica Supported bis(terbutyl Cyclopentadienyl)ZrCl2 Complex Conference
Computational restriction in three-dimensional heterogeneous fracture networks generation Conference
شبيه سازي عددي اثر باد بر عملكرد برج خنك كن يك نيرو گاه Conference
شبيه سازي عددي اثر باد بر عملكرد برج خنك كن خشك يك نيروگاه Conference