Chicken liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Enrichment using Nano- and Microbubbles |
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استخراج پيوسته فلزات سنگين با استفاده از غشا مايع امولسيوني و مقايسه نتايج حاصل با فرآيند ناپيوسته |
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سنتز كريستال هاي زئوليت 5A توسط روش ميكروامولسيون |
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Flow field of rarefied gases in suddenly expanded/contracted micro-and nanochannels using direct Monte Carlo method |
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Application of response surface methodology for the extraction and enrichment of silver from aqueous solutions by emulsion liquid membrane |
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Recovery and Enrichment of Alpha Amylase by Batch Foam Fractionation |
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Processes in Integrated Refining and Petrochemicals Complexes Motivations and Challenges |
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بررسي پارامترهاي موثر ماشينكاري فتوشيميايي بدون شابلون براي توليد چرخ دنده ساده با ابعاد كوچك |
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An Optimization Method for Remediation of LNAPL s from Contaminated Groundwater |
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Metallocene Catalyzed Polymerization of Ethylene Using Silica Supported bis(terbutyl Cyclopentadienyl)ZrCl2 Complex |
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Computational restriction in three-dimensional heterogeneous fracture networks generation |
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شبيه سازي عددي اثر باد بر عملكرد برج خنك كن يك نيرو گاه |
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شبيه سازي عددي اثر باد بر عملكرد برج خنك كن خشك يك نيروگاه |
Conference |