
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Platinum recovery from a spent industrial dehdrogenation catalyst using cyanide leaching followed by ion exchange # Journal
Sorption Dynamics of a fixed-bed system of thin-film-coated monodisperse spherical particle/hollow spheres # Journal
Exact solution of a model for insitu volatilization to remediate vadose zone soils # Journal
Preparation of 5A zeolite monolite granular extrudate using Kaolin # - Journal
Synthesis of 5A zeolite nanocrystals using kaolin via nanoemulsion-ultrasonic technique and study of its sorption using a known kerosene cut # - Journal
An experimental investigation on the saline soil: 'The effect of industrial wastes steel slag, spent tire powder and vinasse on electrical conductivity and pH-values' Conference
Transalkylation of heavy polyalkylbenzenes by bentonite catalyst Conference
Dehydration of bischofite using silica gel as a hygroscopic material Conference
Zeolite synthesis using induction furnace slag from Isfahan Mobarakeh Steel Complex Conference
Use of two-component liquid membrane phase and effects of membrane phase viscosity on the Cr (III) extraction by emulsion liquid membrane Conference
Bio-oil chemical compound distribution in catalytic co-pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse and waste heavy paraffin Conference
Pyrolysis of treated/untreated baggase The effect of heating method and extra washing on bulk and chemical components yields Conference
Chemical precipitation approach for Monoethylene glycol reclamation Conference
Effect of nano particles on the running-in behavior in lubricated point contact Conference
سنتز نانوزئوليت كانكرينايت باظرفيت تبادل كاتيون بالا با استفاده از كائولين و كاهش زمان سنتز با فراصوت Conference
حل عددي واجذبي پويا در ستون هاي كروماتوگرافي با آكند هاي كروي تك اندازه و راستي آزمائي نتايج با حل تحليلي Conference
سنتز زئوليت 4A از سديم آلومينات حاصله از آلومينيم تري هيدروكسايد و بررسي سرعت تبلور آن Conference
كاربرد سيستم غشاي امولسيوني در استخراج اسيد آمينه ي گليسين Conference
بهينه سازي عوامل موثر بر استخراج اسميوم از پساب با نانو غشا مايع امولسيوني با روش تاگوچي Conference
روشي نوين در پوشش دهي نانو ذرات اكسيد آهن ابر پارامغناطيسي با استفاده از زئوليت Conference