
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanofiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Starch Composites NULL 1392 11 Journal
Porous starch/cellulose nanofibers composite prepared by salt leaching technique for tissue engineering NULL 1392 11 Journal
Optimization of acid hydrolysis conditions to improve cellulose nanofibers extraction from Wheat Straw NULL 1392 10 Journal
Parameter estimation and characterization of a single-chamber microbial fuel cell for dairy wastewater treatment NULL 1392 04 Journal
مروري بر روش هاي استخراج نانو الياف سلولز از منابع طبيعي 1392 03 Conference اولين كنفرانس ملي فناوري نانو از تئوري تا كاربرد
مشخصه يابي نانوالياف سلولزي استخراج شده از ساقه گندم به منظور بهبود عمل آوري شيميايي آن 1392 03 Conference اولين كنفرانس ملي فناوري نانو از تئوري تا كاربرد
Biodegradable Starch Based Cellulose Nanofiber Composites 1392 02 Conference Advancements in Fiber-Polymer Composites Wood Fiber Natural Fibers and Nanocellulose
Preparation and Characterization of Polyethylene/Starch/Cellulose Nanofiber Composites 1392 02 Conference Advancements in Fiber-Polymer Composites Wood Fiber Natural Fibers and Nanocellulose
Separation of silica from rice straw to improve its hydrolysis for ethanol production 1391 06 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation
Single chamber microbial fuel cell with spiral anode for dairy wastewater treatment NULL 1391 03 Journal
Development of a Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell for Electricity Generation from Dairy Wastewater 1391 02 Conference NULL
Numerical Investigation of Biofilm Conductivity Effect on Microbial Fuel Cell Performance 1391 02 Conference NULL
Effect of Concentration Boundary Layer on Anodic Compartment Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells in Continuous Flow 1391 02 Conference NULL
Factors Affecting the Performance of Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Using a Novel Configuration 1391 02 Conference NULL
ايجاد لايه سوپرآلياژ بر روي فوم هاي نيكلي توسط عمليات پاشش گرمايي NULL 1391 01 Journal
Improvement of saccharification and ethanol production from rice straw by NMMO and BMIM OAc pretreatments NULL 1391 01 Journal
Enhancement of Power Generation with Improved Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Configuration for Dairy Wastewater Treatment 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
Numerical Investigation of Current Density of a Microbial Fuel Cell 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
بهبود هيدروليز آنزيمي كاه برنج با يك مرحله پيش فرآروي با حلال نرمال متيل مورفولين نرمال اكسيد 1390 06 Conference هفتمين همايش ملي بيوتكنولوژي جمهوري اسلامي ايران
Comparison of conduction based and mediator based models for microbial fuell cells NULL 1390 04 Journal