
Journal Papers
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بررسي مقايسه اي و ارائه پيشنهاد براي بهبود دقت ارزيابي سريع آسيب پذيري لرزه اي ساختمانهاي بنايي # Journal
The near-field method for dynamic analysis of structures on soft soils including inelastic soil structure interaction # Journal
A numerical model for simulation of RC beam-column connections # Journal
Correction Factors Including Nonclassical Nature of Soil-Structure Interaction Spectral Analysis # Journal
A Continuum Shell-beam Finite Element Modeling of Buried Pipes with 90-degree Elbow Subjected to Earthquake Excitations # Journal
مقايسه روشهاي انتگرالگيري صريح و ضمني در شبيه سازي مركب با استفاده از عمليات تكرار شونده عددي روي زيرسازه ها # Journal
A drift pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands of buildings # Journal
رفتار سازه هاي فولادي خمشي كوتاه و متوسط آئين نامه اي ايران تحت زلزله هاي حوزه نزديك طبس ، بم و نورث ريج و ارائه تغيير مكان نسبي طراحي اصلاح شده # Journal
The condensed hyperelements method of non-vertical consistent boundaries for wave propagation analysis in irregular media # Journal
A semi-analytical model for estimating seismic behavior of buried steel pipes at bend point under propagating waves # Journal
Collapse Analysis and Strengthening of Stone Arch Bridges Against Earthquake # Journal
Evaluating the effects of near-field earthquakes on the behavior of moment resisting frames # Journal
Assessment of the Conventional Control Algorithms and Proposing a Modified Displacement Feedback Control for Performance-Based Design of Structures # Journal
پيشرفت هاي حاصله در اتصالات خمشي براي سازه هاي بتني پيش ساخته # Journal
بررسي و ارائه تكنولوژيهاي نوين براي ساخت و ساز انبوه و ايمن # Journal
بهسازي لرزه اي چند مرحله اي راهكار مناسب براي ترويج بهسازي ساختمانهاي موجود # Journal
Probabilistic seismic demand model and fragility estimates for critical failure modes of un-anchored steel storage tanks in petroleum complexes # Journal
Effects of Local Eccentricity of Connecting Braces on Nonlinear Behavior of Steel Concentric Brace Connections # Journal
رفتار سازه هاي فولادي خمشي آيين نامه اي ايران تحت زلزله هاي حوزه نزديك طبس و بم # Journal