
Journal Papers
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بررسي رفتار ديناميكي مخازن استوانه اي بتني ذخيره مايع تحت اثر حركت افقي و قائم زلزله # Journal
Seismic impact between adjacent torsionally coupled buildings 10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.11.015 Journal
Fragility curves for baffled concrete cylindrical liquid-storage tanks # Journal
A rapid screening method for selection and modification of ground motions for time history analysis # Journal
Response Spectra of Structures under Subway Induced Vibrations # Journal
A Shear-based Adaptive Pushover Procedure for Moment-resisting Frames # Journal
A Three-Dimensional Drift Pushover Method for Unsymmetrical Plan Buildings # Journal
تاثير حفاري هاي عميق بر آسيب پذيري لرزه اي ساختمان هاي فولادي موجود # Journal
اثر بركنش بر رفتار سازه هاي فولادي و ارائه ضرايب اصلاح پاسخ لرزه اي # Journal
Experimental studies on a combined damper for repairable steel moment connections # Journal
مطالعه رفتار چرخه اي ستون هاي مشبك با بستهاي افقي و مايل و ارائه المان جايگزين # Journal
Flow-induced horizontal and vertical vibrations of sluice gates # Journal
A Combined Dynamic Actuator-Shake Table Test with Optimized Input Energy # Journal
A Mechanical Model for Cylindrical Flexible Concrete Tanks Undergoing Lateral Excitation # Journal
Seismic behavioral fragility curves of concrete cylindrical water tanks for sloshing cracking and wall bending # Journal
A Macro-Model for Nonlinear Analysis of 3D Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls # Journal
ارائه ي ضرايب بازتاب و بزرگنمايي تغيير مكان و مقايسه ي رفتار ديناميكي سازه هاي بلند با سيستم لوله اي و سيستم مهاربند بازويي روي خاك انعطاف پذير # Journal
Seismic behavior of structures considering uplift and soil structure interaction # Journal
Soft Soil Seismic Design Spectra Including Soil-Structure Interaction # Journal
New Moment-Rotation Equation for Welded Steel Beam-to-Column Connections # Journal