
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
اثر كادميوم در خاك بر زوال دانهالهاي سرو نقره اي و نقش بهبود دهنده قارچ ميكوريزا و باكتري محرك رشد NULL 1398 04 Journal
Physiological consequences of gamma ray irradiation in tall fescue with elimination potential of Epichloë fungal endophyte NULL 1398 04 Journal
Relationship between chlorosis, photosynthesis and the nutrient content of plane trees in the presence of chemical and organic fertilizers NULL 1398 03 Journal
Co-inoculation of Arizona cypress with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and Pseudomonas fluorescens under fuel pollution NULL 1397 12 Journal
Physiological and Ascorbate -Glutathione pathway-related genes responses under drought and heat stress in crested wheatgrass NULL 1397 09 Journal
Effect of Light Intensity on Leaf Morphology, Photosynthetic Capacity, and Chlorophyll Content in Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) NULL 1397 07 Journal
Partial alleviation of Gamma-Irradiated Stress in Tall fescue by Seaweed Extracts 1397 06 Conference سومين كنگره بين المللي و پانزدهمين كنگره ملي علوم زراعت و اصلاح نباتات ايران
Correlation of Heat and Cold Tolerance in Iranian Tall Fescue Ecotypes with Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging and Osmotic Adjustment NULL 1397 04 Journal
Wheatgrass Germination and Seedling Growth under Osmotic Stress NULL 1397 01 Journal
Antioxidant defence system and physiological responses of Iranian crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.) to drought and salinity stress NULL 1396 08 Journal
مطالعه واكنش هاي بيوشيميايي چمانواش بلند و لوليوم دائمي نسبت به تنش خشكي 1396 06 Conference نخستين كنفرانس بين المللي و دهمين كنگره ملي علوم باغباني ايران
Screening and Selection of Twenty Iranian Wheatgrass Genotypes for Tolerance to Salinity Stress during Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Stage NULL 1396 05 Journal
Production Method and Humic Acid Application Affect Hardening-Off Process and Landscape Performance of Platycladus Orientalis in Arid Climate NULL 1396 04 Journal
تاثير ضريب تخليه مجاز رطوبتي بر نياز آبياري و شاخص هاي گياهي چمن در آبياري قطره اي زير سطحي NULL 1396 01 Journal
Phytoremediation effect and growth responses of Cynodon spp. and Agropyron desertorum in a Petroleum-Contaminated Soil NULL 1395 12 Journal
Molecular and physiological responses of Iranian Perennial ryegrass as affected by Trinexapac ethyl Paclobutrazol and Abscisic acid under drought stress NULL 1395 11 Journal
Physiological Responses of Two Cool-season Grass Species to Trinexapac-ethyl under Traffic Stress NULL 1395 10 Journal
بررسي اثر قارچ هاي ميكوريزا بر رشد و جذب عناصر غذايي درختان چنار NULL 1395 07 Journal
Nutritional status essential oil changes and water-use efficiency of rose geranium in response to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and water deficiency stress 10.1007/s13199-016-0466-z 1395 07 Journal
مقايسه گرفتگي چند نوع قطره چكان داخل خط در اثر نفوذ ريشه تحت آبياري قطره اي زيرسطحي NULL 1395 07 Journal