Global identification of long non-coding RNAs involved in the induction of spinach flowering |
10.1186/s12864-021-07989-1 |
1400 - 09 |
Journal |
Transcriptome architecture reveals genetic networks of bolting regulation in spinach |
10.1186/s12870-021-02956-0 |
1400 - 09 |
Journal |
Vase life consequences of natural and chemical treatments in foxtail lily (Eremurus spectabilis), as a specialty cut flowers |
1400 - 08 |
Journal |
مقايسه تحمل به خشكي و پاسخ به محلول پاشي برگي عصاره جلبك قهوه اي در گونه بومي چمانواش بلند و چمن وارداتي لوليوم چندساله |
1400 - 06 |
Conference |
دوازدهمين كنگره علوم باغباني ايران |
افزايش ريشه زايي قلمه هاي گل كاغذي (Bougainvillea brasiliensi Raspberry Ice) با استفاده از هورمون ايندول بوتيريك اسيد |
1400 - 06 |
Conference |
دوازدهمين كنگره علوم باغباني ايران |
The Effect of Drought Stress On Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Some Pine Species at The Juvenility Period |
1400 - 05 |
Conference |
1 st International Hybrid Mode Conference on Emerging Innovative Research Trends in Biology |
مقايسه صفات مورفولوژيكي و بيوشيميايي و ارزش غذايي تودههاي اسفناج بومي در شرايط كشت بهاره |
1400 - 04 |
Journal |
Gamma radiation negatively impacted seed germination, seedling growth and antioxidant enzymes activities in tall fescue infected with Epichlo¨e endophyte |
1399 - 12 |
Journal |
Physiological response of Arizona cypress to Cd-contaminated soil inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria |
1399 - 12 |
Journal |
Co-inoculation of Arizona cypress with mycorrhizae and rhizobacteria affects biomass, nutrient status, water-use efficiency, and glomalin-related soil protein concentration |
1399 - 11 |
Journal |
Cold hardiness in bermudagrass cultivars as affected by the sequential trinexapac-ethyl application during growing season |
1399 - 10 |
Journal |
تأثير شدت هرس و كاربرد كود نيتروژنه بر برخي ويژگي هاي فيزيولوژيك و مورفولوژيك گياه رزماري |
1399 - 10 |
Journal |
Fortification of tomato with Ca and its effects on the fruit quality, calcium status and nutraceutical values of tomato in diferent NO3:NH4 ratios |
1399 - 03 |
Journal |
Salt tolerance of Cressa cretica and its rhizosphere microbiota |
1398 - 11 |
Journal |
Biochemical response and interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria during establishment and stimulating growth of Arizona cypress (Cupressus arizonica G.) under drought stress |
10.1016/j.scienta.2019.108923 |
1398 - 11 |
Journal |
ارزيابي وضعيت شرايط جوي براي گلخانه ها در برخي از منطقه هاي ايران |
1398 - 10 |
Journal |
كاربرد همزمان باكتري Pseudomonas flourescens و دو گونه قارچ ميكوريزا بر تحمل به كم آبياري دانهال سرو نقره اي (Cupressus arizonica G) |
20.1001.1.23222727.1398. |
1398 - 07 |
Journal |
بررسي پاسخ هاي مورفوفيزيولوژيك توده هاي بومي علف گندمي تاجدار ( Agropyron cristatum L)در شرايط تنش خشكي و شوري |
1398 - 07 |
Journal |
The physiological responses of four turfgrass species to drought stress |
1398 - 07 |
Journal |
Screening of some native and foreign accessions of spinach for spring culture in Isfahan |
1398 - 06 |
Journal |