
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
Vibration of Laminated Composite Plates traveling over multiple rollers 1384 02 Conference 8th International Conference on STEEL SPACE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES
كمانش الاستيك ورقهاي ضخيم لايه لايه تحت بارگذاري حرارتي با استفاده از نوار محدود مختلط 1384 02 Conference دومين كنگره ملي مهندسي عمران
اعمال شرط مرزي مختلط براي تحليل پايداري ورقهاي نازك مستطيلي به روش GDQ 1383 02 Conference اولين كنگر ملي مهندسي عمران
تحليل پايداري پوسته هاي استوانه اي به روش DQ 1383 02 Conference اولين كنگر ملي مهندسي عمران
Post Local Buckling of Skew and Trapzoidal Plates 1382 04 Conference 5th International Conference on Steel and Aluminum Structures
Static and Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Plates by the Finite Element Method 1382 04 Conference 5th International Conference on Steel and Aluminum Structures
كمانش الاستيك ورقهاي مربعي با ضخامت پله اي ناشي از فرسايش در كشتي 1382 02 Conference ششمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي عمران
Elastic local buckling of plates with abrubt changes in thickness 1382 02 Conference ششمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي عمران
Local buckling analysis of thick anisotropic plates using the complex finite strip 1381 07 Conference 7th International Conference on STEEL and SPACE STRUCTURES
The differential quadrature method for stability analysis of steel plates of general shape 1381 07 Conference 7th International Conference on STEEL and SPACE STRUCTURES
روش گالركين براي حل صفحات با تغييرات ناگهاني ضخامت 1379 02 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي عمران
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Very Large Deformation but Small Strain Analysis of Plates and Folded Plates by Finite Strip Method NULL 1384 01 Journal
Stability and vibration of elastically supported axially moving orthotropic plates NULL 1384 01 Journal
Exact and semi-Analytical finite strip for vibration and dynamic stability of traveling plates with intermediate supports NULL 1384 01 Journal
Local and post-local buckling of stepped and perforated thin plates NULL 1383 01 Journal
Postbuckling behavior of triangular plates NULL 1383 01 Journal
Inelastic local buckling of flat thin-walled structures containing thickness tapered plates NULL 1382 01 Journal
Post local buckling of skew and trapezoidal plates NULL 1382 01 Journal
Local buckling analysis of thick anistropic plates using complex finite strip method NULL 1382 01 Journal
Analysis of general quadrilateral orthotropic thick plates with arbitrary boundary conditions by Rayleigh-Ritz method NULL 1380 01 Journal